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Mechanics of Compliant Systems Group

(Merger of the Technical Mechanics Group and the Compliant Systems Group)

Student degree & project work

The following working titles and topics are possible for the preparation of a thesis in the form of a project, bachelor's, master's or diploma thesis. Please contact the specified contact person directly if you are interested.

Magnetosensitive Materialsen

Contact: Dr. Tatiana Becker

Within the scope of the research projects, intelligent materials are investigated whose behavior and mechanical properties can be advantageously controlled magnetically. Such materials include ferrofluids, magnetorheological fluids and also magnetosensitive elastomers, which are composed of incorporated magnetic particles and liquid or elastic carrier materials. Research focuses on model-based and experimental investigations of magnetic field-dependent material properties, as well as the technical implementation of these materials as functional elements of sensor and actuator systems with complex adaptive behavior and sensitivity.


- •Investigation of the behaviour of magnetosensitive materials under the influence of magnetic fields
- •Design and analysis of sensor and actuator systems with mechanical compliance and adaptive sensitivity.
- •Design and practical implementation of application-oriented prototype solutions
- •Development of theoretical and numerical models for the description of macroscopic magnetomechanical material properties


Simulation of multi-body systems

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Erik Gerlach

Simulation of mechanical vibration systems, complex multi-body structures up to mobile robot systems based on multi-body simulations using alaska Modeller/Studio.

- •Modeling and simulation
- •Analysis and optimization of (electro-) mechanical systems
- •Derivation of constructive designs and control strategies