Digital technologies - examples of use

Interactive learning objects and apps

Physics for engineers teaching group: use of 17 interactive physics experiments (created as part of the BASICplus project).


Algorithms and Programming for Engineers: Use of a web-based structure diagram editor for basic training in algorithms and programming.

Computer Science for Engineers Teaching Group: Simulator and Remotelab

Simulator AMTsim

The programming of the controllers for the exhibits of the practical projects (for example, Autonomous Miniature Transporters) is done in two ways:

(a) programming Arduino board with the control algorithms.

Support of the design and testing by the simulator AMTsim

Click here for the video of the simulator AMTsim

Click here for the interview with Timo Räth - developer of the simulator

(b) Implementation of circuits using FPGA boards

The Remote offers a comprehensive system with usable virtual and remote experiments as well as tools for the design of control systems. The possibilities for the configuration of the experiments allow a comprehensive use in all teaching forms of the computer science education (lecture, exercise, practical course, self-study). Within the framework of the project, conceptual, technological and content-related further development of the Remote Lab took place.

Click here to watch the video about GOLDI

Teaching Group Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering for Engineers

The established learning environment GETsoft was extensively used and updated according to technological requirements.

Moodle learning management system

The learning management system Moodle is used as standard at TU Ilmenau to support teaching and learning. Currently, more than 1500 course rooms are located there.

Course rooms were used for all subjects of the BASIC model groups and, if applicable, practical courses and configured according to the teaching model used.

Especially configured Moodle course rooms were

  • For the teaching organization of the BASIC model groups
  • as course rooms (specially adapted user roles) for student working groups to support collaboration and project work
  • for student working groups (e.g. for documentation of development and service work of prototypes and demo exhibits)


Support of the interdisciplinary practical projects

Moodle course rooms were used for process-oriented provision of supporting materials and for collaboration of student working groups.

In addition, students used professional design tools according to the subject specifics (e.g. CAD, Quartus). In addition, complex virtual experimental environments such as the RemoteLab and the simulator AMTsim as well as test models for the different development stages could be used for the development of the control systems.

One challenge is the difficult-to-manage complexity of supporting materials for the interdisciplinary practical projects. Especially for first-year students, the independent assignment of subject-related materials to the interdisciplinary problems is often difficult. Using special methodology (interviews, focus groups), the way of providing these materials was adapted with the involvement of all user groups (structuring and usability aspects, integration of knowledge maps and an evidence-based problem catalog, updating process). In addition, interactive topic maps were integrated into Moodle course rooms. These allow to experience the high complexity step by step and to get to the corresponding learning material.

The use of these technologies supports the temporal and local flexibility of learning opportunities and thus also the adaptation to individual prior knowledge and individual learning paths. The students were able to gain experience in typical engineering working methods with regard to the use of digital technologies. There were also positive effects in terms of motivation and active learning behavior.