Impact of antenna position and radiation patterns on target detection in a highway environment utilizing ICAS extended model. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), S. 140-147
In this paper, we explore the impact of different antenna positions and radiation patterns on the channel per-formance of an Integrated Communication and Sensing (ICAS) extended model in a highway environment. We have considered a 3-dB omnidirectional Transmitter (Tx) and a directive Receiver (Rx) for our analysis. The antenna radiation patterns of patch and horn antennas are used for the directive receiver. In our system, we have considered three different setups. In the first setup, Rx has a directive antenna (either horn or patch) installed on the car's front bumper. In the second setup, the directive antenna is installed on the car's back bumper. For the third setup, the radiation patterns for the front and back bumper of the car are combined, thus giving rise to Combined Gain Pattern (CGP). The channel responses for the front and back bumper-placed antenna setups are evaluated and compared with the respective CGP setup channel response. The performance of an I CAS system depends on the successful detection of targets. We have considered two types of scatterers in our system. The moving vehicles on the road represent Dynamic Targets (DT) whereas, stationary point reflection sources along the sides of the highway represent Diffuse (DI) scattering components. We have shown in our results that the CGP setup outperforms the front and back bumper-located antenna setups in terms of channel magnitude and accurate target detection capabilities. Moreover, CGP setup helps in modeling the environment better as compared to front and back-bumper installed setups. The horn antenna setup results in superior performance in contrast to the patch antenna setup due to its high directivity.
Jointly learning selection matrices for transmitters, receivers and Fourier coefficients in multichannel imaging. - In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, (2024), S. 8691-8695
Strategic subsampling has become a focal point due to its effectiveness in compressing data, particularly in the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) approach in ultrasonic imaging. This paper introduces the Joint Deep Probabilistic Subsampling (J-DPS) method, which aims to learn optimal selection matrices simultaneously for transmitters, receivers, and Fourier coefficients. This task-based algorithm is realized by introducing a specialized measurement model and integrating a customized Complex Learned FISTA (CL-FISTA) network. We propose a parallel network architecture, partitioned into three segments corresponding to the three matrices, all working toward a shared optimization objective with adjustable loss allocation. A synthetic dataset is designed to reflect practical scenarios, and we provide quantitative comparisons with a traditional CRB-based algorithm, standard DPS, and J-DPS.
Modelling micro-Doppler signature of drone propellers in distributed ISAC. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), insges. 6 S.
Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) comprises detection and analysis of non-cooperative targets by exploiting the resources of the mobile radio system. In this context, micro-Doppler is of great importance for target classification, in order to distinguish objects with local movements. For developing algorithms for target classification, it is necessary to have a large amount of target signatures. Aiming to generate these data, this paper proposes a mathematical model for the micro-Doppler of drone rotating propellers, and validate the proposed model by comparing it to measured micro-Doppler. Results show that the proposed mathematical model can generate micro-Doppler data very similar to those from measurement data.
Improving the spatial correlation characteristics of antenna arrays using linear operators and wide-band modelling. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), S. 67-73
The analysis of wireless communication channels at the mmWave, sub-THz and THz bands gives rise to difficulties in the construction of antenna arrays due to the small maximum inter-element spacing constraints at these frequencies. Arrays with uniform spacing greater than half the wavelength for a certain carrier frequency exhibit aliasing side-lobes in the angular domain, prohibiting non-ambiguous estimates of a propagating wave-front’s angle of arrival.In this paper, we present how wide-band modelling of the array response is useful in mitigating this spatial aliasing effect. This approach aims to reduce the grating lobes by exploiting the angle- and frequency-dependent phase-shifts observed in the response of the array to a planar wave-front travelling across it.Furthermore, we propose a method by which the spatial correlation characteristics of an array operating at 33 GHz carrier frequency with an instantaneous bandwidth of 1 GHz can be improved such that the angular-domain side-lobes are reduced by 5-10 dB. This method, applicable to arbitrary antenna array manifolds, makes use of a linear operator that is applied to the base-band samples of the channel transfer function measured in space and frequency domains. By means of synthetically simulated arrays, we show that when operating with a bandwidth of 1 GHz, the use of a derived linear operator applied to the array output results in the spatial correlation characteristics approaching those of the array operating at a bandwidth of 12 GHz. Hence, non-ambiguous angle estimates can be obtained in the field without the use of expensive high-bandwidth RF front-end components.
Excitation signal design for THz channel sounding and propagation parameter estimation. - In: 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, (2024), insges. 5 S.
In this publication, we analyze how the performance of propagation parameter estimation for THz channel sounding can be improved by the power spectrum design of a multicarrier waveform. To this end, we discuss the Fisher information of the propagation parameters and the corresponding deterministic Cramèr-Rao lower bound (CRB) as well as their relation to the carrier powers of the excitation signal. We use these quantities to design waveforms that improve range estimation. In practice, evaluating the Fisher information requires prior knowledge of the propagation scenario which is usually unavailable. Hence, we propose two solutions which we compare numerically to the classical approach of equal power distribution. The evaluation shows that an optimized power distribution can improve the CRB comparable up to a 4 dB gain in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) if knowledge about the propagation scenario is available and slightly less if the scenario is unknown.
Characterization of propagation from measurements at sub-THz for ISAC applications in an emulated dynamic industrial scenario. - In: 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, (2024), insges. 5 S.
The large blocks of free instantaneous bandwidth at (sub-)THz and the utilization of high gain radio interfaces makes the (sub-)THz suitable for sensing applications. In this paper we present the analysis of novel dual-polarized double directional measurements at 190 GHz in an industrial setting with integrated sensing and communication applications in view. The set-up consists of a bi-static configuration emulating two access points with beam-steering capabilities in a machine room. One access point serves a machine with a wireless link, while the other access point senses the environment to detect moving objects. The objective is to detect possible obstructions that could interrupt the communication link or cause accidents on the production line. The results have shown that the system aspects as narrow beams and large bandwidths allow the early identification of objects in the environment from the measured channel impulse response.
Ray tracing and measurement-based characterization of inter/intra-machine THz wireless channels. - In: 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, (2024), insges. 5 S.
We characterize the wireless propagation channels at 300 GHz in an industrial environment through measurements and ray tracing simulations. Two different scenarios are considered representing wireless connections between an access point and an industrial machine (inter-machine scenario), and between two components inside the same machine (intra-machine scenario) are considered. For both scenarios, we compute the channel response in terms of power angle delay profile and compare the results obtained through measurements and simulations, which show a good match.
Grid-free harmonic retrieval and model order selection using convolutional neural networks. - In: 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, (2024), insges. 5 S.
Harmonic retrieval techniques are the foundation of radio channel sounding, estimation and modeling. This paper introduces a Deep Learning approach for joint delay- and Doppler estimation from frequency and time samples of a radio channel transfer function. Our work estimates the two-dimensional parameters from a signal containing an unknown number of paths. Compared to existing deep learning-based methods, the signal parameters are not estimated via classification but in a quasi-grid-free manner. This alleviates the bias, spectral leakage, and ghost targets that grid-based approaches produce. The proposed architecture also reliably estimates the number of paths in the measurement. Hence, it jointly solves the model order selection and parameter estimation task. Additionally, we propose a multi-channel windowing of the data to increase the estimator's robustness. We also compare the performance to other harmonic retrieval methods and integrate it into an existing maximum likelihood estimator for efficient initialization of a gradient-based iteration.
Shut off! - hybrid BICMOS logic for power-efficient high speed circuits. - In: SMACD 23, (2023), insges. 4 S.
Power efficiency is crucial, especially in high-speed systems, where conventional approaches like clock gating cannot be employed readily. Special logic families, such as Positive Emitter-Coupled Logic (PECL), push the technological frontier, promising even more speed at the expense of an even more strained power budget. We propose a novel hybrid of PECL and Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) logic to introduce Function Shut-off (FSO), realizing a shut-off at the level of functional blocks and logic primitives inside complex logic cells. Using this approach, we realize a high-speed Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) in a SiGe technology, extending the State of the Art (SOTA) by adding reconfigurability, which is required for its use as sequence generator in Compressed Sensing (CS) applications. We present measurements showing successful fabrication and performance of the packaged die at 20.4 GHz. In this LFSR, employing FSO reduces the supply current by a factor of up to four (depending on the chosen configuration) and reduces active area by 17%.
Characterization of propagation in an industrial scenario from sub-6 GHz to 300 GHz. - In: 2023 IEEE Globecom workshops (GC wkshps), (2023), S. 1475-1480
We perform simultaneous multi-band ultra-wideband dual-polarized double-directional measurements at sub-6 GHz (center frequency, 6.75 GHz), mmWave (74.25 GHz), and sub-THz (305.27 GHz) in line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS in a small industrial scenario (machine room). The aim is to characterize the propagation at THz taking as a reference the lower bands and identifying shared and distinguishing features. The spatial/temporal analysis of the measurements shows strong similarities in multi-path components (MPCs) between the different bands. Moreover, high order reflections have been identified at THz. Overall, the results indicate that THz channels exhibit significant multipath, with some specular MPCs unique to the band and with lower contribution by the diffuse components. Finally, path-loss has also been computed and compared with existing multi-band models.