From Thuringia to Europe

You are planning a traineeship in Europe?

Erasmus+ supports

  • students (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate, Diploma, State Examination)
  • graduates (in the first year after graduation)

of the Thuringian universities during a stay in Europe .


Apply for an Erasmus+ grant!

EU-Praktikum THURINGIA coordinates Erasmus+ traineeships on behalf of the Thuringian universities and accompanies you through the entire funding process.

Our services - your advantages

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TU Ilmenau / privat
Aimee | Istanbul, TR International Relations

My internship in Istanbul was enriching in every way and broadened my horizons. Not only did I make new friends, but I also got to know a new culture and language and at the same time discovered new sides of myself. An experience that I would not want to miss.

TU Ilmenau / privat
Louise | The Hague, NL Cultural Management

Any professional experience abroad brings with it a variety of opportunities, surprises and creative impulses. It requires openness, flexibility and curiosity - mental skills that become more and more important with each new step into the 21st century. This is what I learned during my internship in the Netherlands.

TU Ilmenau / privat
Adrian | Copenhagen, DK Mechatronics

I was allowed to design and build an attitude control system demonstrator for spaceflight from scratch, from theoretical modelling, mechanics, electronics and software to measurements. In the process, I learned a lot about how these domains interrelate and influence each other in practice.

TU Ilmenau / privat
Anne | Paris, FR
Industrial Engineering and Management

The last six months have definitely been an experience I wouldn't want to miss, both professionally and personally. I was able to face unexpected challenges and met interesting young people who I can now count among my circle of friends. This was certainly not my last stay abroad!



Postal address

TU Ilmenau International Office


P.O. Box 100565

98684 Ilmenau



Visitor address

TU Ilmenau International Office


Max-Planck-Ring 14

House G 1210/1220

98693 Ilmenau


Consultation hours

Online consultation hours Tuesdays 10.00-11.00 a.m. and individually by arrangement

Susanne Friedemann

Sjsanne Friedemann


+49 3677 69-1763

Erasmus+ Traineeship Coordinator (A - I)

Katja Seltner

Katja Seltner


+49 3677 69-2523

Erasmus+ Traineeship Coordinator (J - Z)

Sophia Siegfried

Sophia Siegfried

Sophia Siegfried

+49 3677 69-2510

Managing Director



This initiative is funded with support from the European Commission.