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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann Reger
Head of Institute
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Fakultät IA / Institut AS
Helmholtzplatz 5
98693 Ilmenau
Zusebau, Raum 2025
Tel.: +49 3677 69-2817
Fax: +49 3677 69-1435
In 1970 Prof. Günther was appointed full professor for the chair "Technical Cybernetics/Automatic Control" at the Technical University of Ilmenau. From 1986 to 1995 he was head of the Institute of Automation and Systems Engineering and since 1989 he was head of the department "Digital Process Automation", subsequently "Control Engineering / Process Automation" at the Institute of Automation and Systems Engineering.
He represented the teaching complexes "Basics of Automation Technology", "Control Engineering (Automatic Control)", "Discrete-Time Systems" and "Digital Process Automation".
The textbooks "Zeitdiskrete Steuerungssysteme" (1986, 1988) and "Kontinuierliche und zeitdiskrete Regelungen" (1997) were written.
Prof. Günther supervised 41 doctoral theses during his time as a professor in addition to many diploma theses.