The research in the field of XR takes place at the XR-Lab. The laboratory is equipped with a wide range of hardware and software for input, output and evaluation.

These include, among others:

  • Mobile eye tracking (Ergoneers, ...)
  • VR-HMDs (HTC Vive Pro, Oculus Rift, ...)
  • AR-HMDs (HoloLens, Metaglasses,...)
  • Systems for motion tracking and capturing (Optitrack, Lighthouse)
  • Camera technology for 3D reconstruction Structure Core, ZED2, ...)
  • Driving simulator
  • L-Shape Projection
  • Deep-Learning-Cluster
  • ...
L-Shape ProjectionFlorian Weidner
L-Shape Projection


If you are interested, please contact:

Tobias Schwandt

Technische Universität Ilmenau

Department of Economic Sciences and Media

Group Virtual Worlds and Digital Games

Ehrenbergstraße 29

D-98693 Ilmenau

Room: EAZ 2316 (Ernst-Abbe-Center)

Phone: +49 3677 69-4740 Fax: +49 3677 69-4724
