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Prof. Dr. Hannes Töpfer
Head of Group
+49 3677 69 2630
Helmholtzplatz 2 (Helmholtzbau)
Room 2545
The research work in our group is focused on physical laws and mathematical methods that can be used to solve problems in electrical engineering. These include cryoelectronics, direct numerical field computation and source reconstruction, high voltage technology as well as pattern recognition and machine learning. This is associated with a clear application and practical relevance, which is reflected in the current projects. To improve the transfer of research results and to align the research orientation with industrial and societal needs, the department maintains research partnerships on a national and international scale. As a contribution to the strengthening of the technology region Ilmenau, attractive offers to industrial and research partners for the solution of current problems are to be prepared and provided.
For further information please visit the cryoelectronics page.
For more information, please visit the Research page of the High Voltage Technologies Research Unit.