Journal articles and book contributions

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Hiller, Benedikt T.; Azzi, Julia L.; Rennert, Mirko
Improvement of the thermo-oxidative stability of biobased poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) using biogenic wine by-products as sustainable functional fillers. - In: Polymers, ISSN 2073-4360, Bd. 15 (2023), 11, 2533, S. 1-23

Biobased poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) represents one promising sustainable alternative to petroleum-based polymers. Its sensitivity to thermo-oxidative degradation is one reason for its limited application. In this research, two different varieties of wine grape pomaces (WPs) were investigated as fully biobased stabilizers. WPs were prepared via simultaneous drying and grinding to be used as bio-additives or functional fillers at higher filling rates. The by-products were characterized in terms of composition and relative moisture, in addition to particle size distribution analysis, TGA, and assays to determine the total phenolic content and the antioxidant activity. Biobased PBS was processed with a twin-screw compounder with WP contents up to 20 wt.-%. The thermal and mechanical properties of the compounds were investigated with DSC, TGA, and tensile tests using injection-molded specimens. The thermo-oxidative stability was determined using dynamic OIT and oxidative TGA measurements. While the characteristic thermal properties of the materials remained almost unchanged, the mechanical properties were altered within expected ranges. The analysis of the thermo-oxidative stability revealed WP as an efficient stabilizer for biobased PBS. This research shows that WP, as a low-cost and biobased stabilizer, improves the thermo-oxidative stability of biobased PBS while maintaining its key properties for processing and technical applications.
Diemar, Andreas; Gerth, Uwe; Lahmer, Tom; Teichert, Gerd; Könke, Carsten
Numerische Ermittlung von Zielgrößen und Prozessparametern des Einsatzhärtens unter Berücksichtigung des lokalen Beanspruchungszustandes versagensrelevanter Konstruktionsdetails :
Numerical determination of target values and process parameters of case hardening, taking into account the local stress state of failure-relevant construction details. - In: HTM - journal of heat treatment and materials, ISSN 2194-1831, Bd. 78 (2023), 6, S. 352-368

Through the thermochemical process of case hardening, the local material strength of steel components can be increased. In addition to the increase in stress due to the notch effect, the shape of construction details also has an effect on key component properties after case hardening, such as edge hardness and case hardening depth. The component-related specification of target values for case hardening is currently based on empirical values or expert knowledge. In addition, the effect of design details during case hardening is not taken into account when specifying process parameters in the control and regulation software of case hardening systems. This article presents a concept for the numerical determination of target values and process parameters for case hardening based on the stress state of the component. Compared to the empirically based determination of target values and process parameters for case hardening, the application of the concept makes it possible to adapt the case hardening of components to their stress in the failure range and thus significantly increase the energy and resource efficiency of case hardening.
Bohm, Sebastian; Grunert, Malte; Schwarz, Felix; Runge, Erich; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Chimeh, Abbas; Lienau, Christoph
Gold nanosponges: fascinating optical properties of a unique disorder-dominated system. - In: Journal of the Optical Society of America, ISSN 1520-8540, Bd. 40 (2023), 6, S. 1491-1509

Nanoporous gold is a three-dimensional bulk material that is percolated with a random network of nanometer-sized ligaments and made by selective corrosion of bimetallic alloys. It has intriguing geometric, catalytic, and optical properties that have fascinated scientists for many decades. When such a material is made into the form of small, 100-nm-sized particles, so-called nanosponges emerge that offer much flexibility in controlling their geometric, electronic, and optical properties. Importantly, these particles act as an antenna for light that can efficiently localize optical fields on a deep subwavelength scale in certain hotspots at the particle surface. This makes such nanosponges an interesting platform for plasmonic sensing, photocatalysis, and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Since the optical properties of these nanosponges can be controlled to a large degree by tuning their geometry and/or composition, they have attracted increasing attention in recent years. Here, we provide a concise overview of the current state of the art in this field, covering their fabrication, computational modeling, and specifically the linear and nonlinear optical properties of individual and hybrid nanosponges, for example, plasmon localization in randomly disordered hotspots with a size <10 nm and a long lifetime with an exceptionally high Purcell factor. The resulting nonlinear optical and photoemission properties are discussed for individual and hybrid nanosponges. The results presented have strong implications for further applications of such nanosponges in photonics and photocatalysis.
Kurniawan, Mario; Bund, Andreas
Photoelectrochemical water splitting with cuprous oxide. - In: Galvanotechnik, ISSN 0016-4232, Bd. 114 (2023), 11, S. 1396-1398

Enhancing the performance through the implementation of porous structures - an innovative and cost-effective fabrication technique that relies solely on electrodeposition.

Sun, Hongye; Zettl, Julian; Willenbacher, Norbert
Highly conductive and stretchable filament for flexible electronics. - In: Additive manufacturing, ISSN 2214-8604, Bd. 78 (2023), 103872, S. 1-10

Conductive and stretchable filaments are crucial for advancing additive manufacturing, particularly in flexible electronics. However, existing conductive filaments suffer from limitations in conductivity and stretchability. To overcome these challenges, this study presents a highly conductive and stretchable filament for material extrusion type 3D printing. The developed filament achieves an initial electrical conductivity of 558 S/cm and maintains low resistance up to 60 % strain with 10 vol% silver loading. This significantly surpasses the performance of commercial filaments and previous literature reports. The addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a plasticizer for the silver filled thermoplastic polyurethane (Ag-TPU) composite enhances extrusion and improves filament surface quality. The printability of the filament in material extrusion 3D printing was evaluated, and the electrical conductivity of the printed objects was assessed. Two demonstrator structures, an electrical interconnection and a capacitive strain sensor, were successfully prototyped, showcasing the potential applications of this filament in stretchable electronics. The developed filament paves the way for creating intricate and stretchable electronic devices using material extrusion printing techniques. These advancements contribute to the field of additive manufacturing and enable the fabrication of flexible electronic components with enhanced conductivity and stretchability.
Gholami-Kermanshahi, Mozhgan; Hsiao, Yuan-Chien; Lange, Günther; Chang, Shih-Hang
Effects of carbon nanotube addition on the microstructures, martensitic transformation, and internal friction of Cu-Al-Ni shape-memory alloys. - In: Scientific reports, ISSN 2045-2322, Bd. 13 (2023), 21181, S. 1-12
Tan, Xi-Nu; Li, Feitao; Liu, Yu-Shun; Qiu, Ri-Sheng; Liu, Qing
Microstructure and properties of as-cast Zr-2.5Nb-1X (X = Ru, Mo, Ta and Si) alloys for biomedical application. - In: Rare metals, ISSN 1867-7185, Bd. 42 (2023), 10, S. 3497-3509
Witt, Michael; Papmahl, Eric; Genov, Ivan; Dimitrova, Anna; Gabryelczyk, Agnieszka; Krischok, Stefan; Lota, Grzegorz; Ivanov, Svetlozar
In-situ electrogravimetric detection of the cathodic process during the galvanic coupling between lithium and copper. - In: Electrochimica acta, ISSN 1873-3859, Bd. 463 (2023), 142853

With the development of the energy system transformation the quality and efficiency of the rechargeable batteries, particularly the Li ion technology, gain major importance. In spite of the enormous advances, along with many other technological challenges corrosion of the metallic battery parts is often a difficult obstacle for producers and researchers. Li-metal batteries and especially the “anode-free” battery concept could significantly increase the energy density. However, contact corrosion of the Li anode, can occur in this cell configuration since there is a high probability of a three-phase contact between Li-metal, current collector and electrolyte, a condition triggering an intensive Li corrosion. In this work, a new in-situ analytical methodology based on combining electrochemical (ZRA) and microgravimetric (QCM) techniques is proposed for studying the galvanic corrosion. The applicability of this approach is explored in three different electrolyte compositions. Beside the analysis of the conventional electrochemical parameters an in-situ gravimetric detection of the deposited electrolyte decomposition products on the cathode surface is demonstrated. Adsorbed polymer layer on the Cu surface is applied for cathodic inhibition of the galvanic corrosion process, which is studied by means of the novel ZRA-QCM approach.
Rädlein, Edda;
Strategies towards circular economy for glass materials and products. - In: European journal of glass science and technology, ISSN 1753-3554, Bd. 64 (2023), 4, S. 108-119

Aiming at circular economy we must provide strategies for reuse of EoL (end of life) glass products, for maintenance and increase high material recycling quotas and be open for new technologies. The well-established returnable bottle system in Germany is an almost perfect example for product recycling, albeit in a confined market segment for certain beverages. On the other hand, recycling nonpackaging glass is tremendously far from closed cycles. The glass packaging market has grown slowly but successfully in spite of the competition from PET and other plastics. Glass producers struggle with even higher energy prices and will focus more and more on renewable energies. Consumers are aware that glass offers an alternative to increasing packaging waste. Which future tasks result from this situation? Three main topics arise for container glass: less one-way packaging, more returnable packaging, and innovative strategies for collection and sort- ing. Knowledge on the best practice examples is expected to be transferred to non-container glasses. An overview on the current status of demands is being documented with the goal of more ideas being generated to assist in glass recycling.
Shen, Fengxia; Shi, Xinbo; Shi, Jin
Novel bipolar membrane electrolyzer for CO2 reduction to CO in organic electrolyte with Cl2 and NaOH produced as byproducts. - In: Journal of CO2 utilization, ISSN 2212-9839, Bd. 77 (2023), 102595, S. 1-10

Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to valuable products, powered by renewable energy, provides a promising strategy for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. But up to now, no technology has been implemented for large-scale industrial applications. Without massive utilization of CO2, many vital practical problems, such as reducing CO2 emissions, storing renewable energy, and alleviating environmental pollution, cannot be resolved through this route. Herein, we propose a novel electrolyzer for CO2 electro-reduction, which is separated into three chambers by a bipolar membrane and a cation exchange membrane. In the cathodic chamber, CO2 is reduced to CO in organic electrolytes. In the anodic chamber, Cl- is oxidized to Cl2 in NaCl aqueous solution. In the central chamber, NaOH is obtained. The generated CO and Cl2 can be used as feedstock to produce phosgene (CO+Cl2 =COCl2). Through this route, phosgene can be produced from CO2 and NaCl, with NaOH generated as a byproduct. By substantially increasing the product value, we can promote CO2 electro-reduction technology to industrial applications.