Study on Future Trends in Distributed Simulation and Distributed Virtual Environments

Peer StudieTU Ilmenau
Maturity and Relevance of DS/DVE Standards and Protocols (Source: Peer Study, p. 16)

Study Background

The objective of this study was to survey the current state of the fields of Distributed Simulation and Distributed Virtual Environments and to identify emerging trends and research tasks in the fields. An expert survey was conducted as the main instrument of this study. The survey was officially conducted during the period of September and October 2007 and was answered by 61 respondents. The results of this survey were summarized and published in a peer study. This study can be downloaded here: Peer Study Jan '08 (PDF, 439 kB)

About the Initiators

The study was initiated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF in Magdeburg and conducted by an independent research team. Members of this research team were Prof.Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Tech, Atlanta), Prof. Steffen Straßburger (TU Ilmenau) and Prof. Thomas Schulze (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg). For questions and feedback on the study, please contact the authors.