Congress contributions, conference papers - Abstracts

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Chen, Ting; Fu, Banglong; Shen, Junjun; Suhuddin, Uceu F.H.R.; Wiese, Björn; Santos, Jorge F. dos; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Klusemann, Benjamin
Microstructure refinement by a novel friction-based processing on Mg-Zn-Ca alloy. - In: Material forming, ESAFORM 2024, (2024), S. 2031-2040

Insufficient mechanical properties and uncontrollable degradation rates limit the wide application of Mg alloys in bioimplant materials. Microstructure refinement is a common method to improve both the mechanical properties and the corrosion resistance of Mg alloys. In order to efficiently obtain Mg alloys with fine microstructures for potential applications in bioimplant materials, a novel constrained friction processing (CFP) was proposed. In this work, the resulting compression properties of ZX10 alloy obtained by CFP with optimized processing parameter are reported. Additionally, the microstructure evolution during CFP was studied. The results show that during CFP, materials are subjected to high shear strain at the transition zone between the stir zone and thermo-mechanical affected zone, leading to recrystallization with strong local basal fiber shear texture. As the shoulder plunges down, the fraction of recrystallized grain and grain size increase. ZX10 alloy obtained by CFP exhibited higher compressive yield strength by more than 300% and ultimate compressive strength improves by 60%, which indicates the bright prospect of CFP for Mg processing.
Keck, Lorenz; Seifert, Frank; Haddad, Darine; Theska, René
Updates on the new Kibble balance at NIST. - In: ASPE Annual Meeting 2023, (2024), S. 194-195

Hebenstreit, Roman; Theska, René
Calibration of positioning microsystems with subatomic accuracy. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.117, S. 1-6

Multidimensional positioning, measuring and manipulation with a spatial resolution in the subatomic range are an upcoming demand in the area of nanotechnology. Nanopositioning and measuring machines (NMM) enable to measure and manipulate objects within a large addressable 3D-range of up to a few hundred millimetre in each dimension with a specified spatial resolution of down to 0.1 nm [1]. New approaches are needed to extend the potential of NMM technology to even smaller scales. In previous work [2] a proof-of-concept positioning system has been designed to achieve reproducibility and resolution for precise motion on subatomic scale. In a first approach, a scanning probe microscope will be used to measure a nanosized periodic lattice that serves as a scale for the position according to [3]. Here, we present a microsystem design with an addressable positioning range of ±100 μm that will carry the lattice structure. In order to precisely control the motion, the electrostatic drive and position sensor characteristics of the demonstrator must be calibrated thoroughly by means of an optical measuring system. A focused, range-resolved fibre-optic laser interferometer is comprised as the calibration standard. An uncertainty estimation for the measurement setup is carried out. It is shown that the desired positioning accuracy for the first tip- and grating-based setup can be achieved with the presented microsystems.
Darnieder, Maximilian; Wittke, Martin; Pabst, Markus; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René
Monolithic compliant mechanism for an EMFC mass comparator weighing cell. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.112, S. 1-14

Mass comparator weighing cells based on electromagnetic force compensation (EMFC) find application in the most demanding force and mass measurement applications. The centerpiece of these devices is a highly sensitive compliant mechanism with thin flexure hinges. The compliant mechanism forms the mechanical part of the mechatronic overall system. A novel mechanism based on an advanced adjustment concept has been developed, manufactured, and experimentally investigated. The adjustment is designed to further reduce the measurement uncertainty for mass comparisons by canceling out first-order error components. The focus is on the mechanical properties: stiffness, tilt sensitivity, and off-center load sensitivity. The elastic stiffness of the compliant mechanism is compensated by introducing a negative gravitational stiffness to enable the compensation of manufacturing deviations and to increase mass resolution.
Keck, Lorenz; Seifert, Frank; Newell, David; Theska, René; Haddad, Darine
Preliminary characterization of anelastic effects in the flexure mechanism for a new Kibble balance at NIST. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.101, S. 1-13

A new Kibble balance is being built at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). For the first time in one of the highly accurate versions of this type of balance, a single flexure mechanism is used for both modes of operation: the weighing mode and the velocity mode. The mechanism is at the core of the new balance design as it represents a paradigm shift for NIST away from using knife edge-based balance mechanisms, which exhibit hysteresis in the measurement procedure of the weighing mode. Mechanical hysteresis may be a limiting factor in the performance of highly accurate Kibble balances approaching single digit nanonewton repeatability on a nominal 100 g mass, as targeted in this work. Flexure-based mechanisms are known to have very good static hysteresis when used as a null detector. However, for larger and especially longer lasting deformations, flexures are known to exhibit anelastic drift. We seek to characterize, and ideally compensate for, this anelastic behavior after deflections during the velocity mode to enable a 10 accurate Kibble balancemeasurement on a nominal 100 g mass artifact with a single flexure-based balance mechanism.
Layher, Michel; Bliedtner, Jens; Theska, René
A laser beam deflection system for heat treatments in large scale additive manufacturing. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.082, S. 1-15

Large Scale Additive Manufacturing (LSAM) based on plastic raw material is known for high material output and thus, increased productivity. For an improvement of part properties LSAM is combined with a laser process. Depending on the deposition direction, the laser beam needs to be repositioned to reach the space between two adjacent and consecutively printed strands. Therefore, an optomechanical design is required that allows variable orientation of the laser beam. It consists of a combination of an elliptical, tube-like mirror with an additional, rotatable flat mirror in one of its focal axes. The deflected laser beam hits the second focal axis where the extruder nozzle is located. Thus, > 75% of the nozzle circumference is covered during a laser beam treatment. Both mirrors are individually designed custom-made parts. Its functional verification lays the foundation for an improved additive manufacturing process, which aims to homogenize the component structures to improve the mechanical properties of 3D-printed components.
Miettinen, Mikael; Vainio, Valtteri; Haverinen, Petteri; Leutonen, Onni; Viitala, Raine; Theska, René
Validation of experimental setup for aerostatic bearing simulation. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.079, S. 1-10

Aerostatic bearings are extensively used in precision engineering applications that require high positional accuracy and low friction motion. In these bearings, externally pressurized gas is fed through a restrictor into the bearing gap. The viscous shear in the gap restricts the flow, thus forming a pressurized film between the bearing and the guide surface. In the development of models and in investigations of, for example, effects of manufacturing errors and porous material permeability properties, characterization of bearing performance is required. The performance is commonly characterized with a measurement setup, either under static or dynamic conditions. In the present study, an experimental setup for the measurement performance of aerostatic bearings is presented. The investigated measurement setup is validated with a comparison to a literature model. The results of the present study include the load capacity, stiffness, air consumption, and pressure distribution of a commercially available axisymmetric graphite thrust bearing. The results show good agreement between the measurements and the model. Thus, the results show corroborative evidence on the usability of the measurement setup in future aerostatic bearing research.
Hahm, Christoph; Erbe, Torsten; Theska, René
Cement-bound mineral casted parts in precision engineering. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.077, S. 1-14

The design of a machine frame, supporting a plurality of components/modules, is a major challenge during the development of precision systems. The geometric stability of the supporting parts under thermal and mechanical loads has a decisive influence on the achievable accuracy. Common materials like cast iron or natural stone have preferable properties but often come with high costs and long lead times due to sourcing or manufacturing process and required geometric precision. Concrete is an interesting alternative. Polymer concrete and cement-based concrete such as self-compacting concrete have been considered as cost-effective alternatives for quite a while now. This paper summarizes recent research and findings on these alternative materials and reviews their applicability in machine frame design. Aspects of the cold primary shaping process will be covered with an emphasis on ready-to-use features with geometric tolerances in the order of magnitude of micrometers. The potential for integrating functional elements is discussed. The advantages of concrete as an alternative material are summarized with regard to the application of the design principle "functional material at the location where functionality is required".
Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Henning, Stefan; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Synthesis of optimized compliant mechanisms for ultra-precision applications. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.071, S. 1-9

Compliant mechanisms for ultra-precision applications are often required to achieve highest accuracy over largest possible ranges of motion along multiple axes. The typical synthesis approach for such high demands is based on the substitution of the revolute joints of a suitable rigid-body model with optimized flexure hinges. However, during the transition from rigid-body model to compliant mechanism, the effects of multiple input parameters are still widely unknown. Among them are the degrees of freedom of the rigid-body model, the integration of the drive elements, as well as the coupling of mechanisms to achieve multiple motion axes. The following contribution expands the fundamentals of the synthesis of compliant mechanisms based on rigid-body models for their application in ultra-precision technologies. Based on the investigation of the aforementioned parameters as well as the knowledge gained from previous research work, a novel synthesis method has been developed.
Weigert, Florian; Wolf, Matthias; Theska, René
Development of a tool-changing system for nanofabrication machines. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.025, S. 1-6

The frequent use of a growing diversity of tools in nanofabrication machines raises the need for a highly reproducible tool-changing system that is capable of working with tools of different weights and moments of inertia. Since the tool-changing system is designed beneficially based on an open, force-paired kinematic coupling, means to apply a holding force are required. The holding force needed is about 40 N in total and has to be applied without heat dissipation or other disturbances. Since variations in the elastic deformation at the contact points of the coupling directly influence the reproducibility of the tool position, the force application needs to be highly reproducible. An analytical model is developed to determine the force application requirements, taking into consideration elastic deformation and friction. Based on this model, the allowable variation of the holding force in amount and direction, as well as the allowable deviation of the force application point, are determined. Thereby, the resulting influence of the force application on the reproducibility of the position of the tool-center point is intended to be 5 nm or less. Eleven solution principles for force application are developed based on the physical effects of magnetic force, spring force, and weight force. Based on a systematic evaluation, an arrangement of three permanent magnets with flux guide pieces at an angle of 120˚ to each other has been chosen at the fixed side. On the tool side, ferromagnetic plates are used to close the magnetic circuit. Thereby, the air gap and, thus, the holding force can be adjusted individually for each tool. During the tool change, the magnetic force is switched off by short-circuiting the magnetic flux with an additional rotatory-mounted flux piece, which is driven by a gear motor. The designed prototype will be tested and further optimized within a nanofabrication machine.
Zettlitzer, Lucas; Gross, Herbert; Risse, Stefan; Theska, René
Tolerancing of centering of a reflective dual field-of-view optical system based on Alvarez-Principle. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.021, S. 1-15

A new dual state reflective optical relay system based on the Alvarez principle is proposed, which can be used for remote sensing applications. Using the solution found, two different object fields can be imaged using the same optical system. A Three-Mirror-Anastigmat telescope (TMA) is proposed with an intermediate image plane that incorporates a double reflective freeform subsystem as a relay system. By mechanically moving two freeform mirror substrates, this subsystem allows for a discrete change in the total focal length. A deep understanding of the effects of geometric deviations on the system is a crucial prerequisite for ensuring mechanical feasibility and stable optical imaging performance. For this reason, this article focuses on the method and results of tolerancing the subsystem.
Wolf, Matthias; Wittke, Martin; Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Theska, René
Scaling of a compliant mechanism for high-precision force measurement applications. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.4.013, S. 1-10

This paper is dedicated to the mechanical structure of a force transducer for the measurement of very small forces in the nanonewton range with highest resolution and lowest measurement uncertainty. To achieve this, a low stiffness in one direction of motion, but high stiffness in all other directions of motion is required. Existing solutions that meet the requirements are not suitable because of their overall dimensions. This results in a need for miniaturization. For this purpose, the scaling behavior of an existing monolithic compliant mechanism is investigated and it is verified which joint contour provides an optimal stiffness ratio. It is shown that the corner-filleted contour in general has lower bending stiffnesses, but also lower cross stiffnesses compared to the semi-circular contour. A nonlinear scaling effect for the ratio of bending stiffness and cross stiffness in corner-filleted contour offers optimization potential. Based on a simplified rigid body model, additionally, the miniaturization of the mechanism is optimized. The stiffness in the desired direction of motion is reduced by about 85% compared to a semi-circular contour. The result is promising for the further development of a miniaturized force transducer. The findings of this work contribute to the advancement of the measurement of low forces and offer new perspectives for future research in miniaturized force sensors.
Schulze, Sven; Arumugam, Kumar; Schlamminger, Stephan; Fitzgerald, Ryan; Verkouteren, R. Michael; Theska, René; Shaw, Gordon
Development of a high precision electrostatic force balance for measuring quantity of dispensed fluid as a new calibration standard for the becquerel. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.3.097, S. 1-16

The 2019 redefinition of the kilogram not only changes the way mass is defined but also broadens the horizon for a direct realization of other standards. The True Becquerel project at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is creating a new paradigm for realization and dissemination of radionuclide activity. Standard Reference Materials for radioactivity are supplied as aqueous solutions of specific radionuclides which are characterized by massic activity in the units becquerel per gram of solution, Bq/g. The new method requires measuring the mass of a few milligrams of dispensed radionuclide liquid. An electrostatic force balance is used, due to its suitability for a milligram mass range. The goal is to measure the mass of dispensed fluid of 1 mg to 5 mg with a relative uncertainty of less than 0.05 %. A description of the balance operation is presented. Results of preliminary measurements with a reference mass indicate relative standard deviations less than 0.5 % for tens of tests and differ 0.54 % or less from an independent measurement of the reference mass.
Wittke, Martin; Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Darnieder, Maximilian; Theska, René
Investigation of a novel monolithic stiffness-compensated mechanism for high-precision load cells. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 1.3.017, S. 1-12

Increasing demands in the fields of high-precision force measurement and weighing technology require an ever-higher measurement resolution, a larger measurement range, a lower measurement uncertainty, and traceability to a natural constant. Load cells using the compensation principle have the potential to fulfill these requirements. To enhance the measurement resolution and decrease the measurement uncertainty, the residual stiffness of the compliant mechanism in use needs to be compensated. Due to a lack of solutions in the state of the art, a novel monolithic stiffness-compensated mechanism for measurements according to the compensation principle was developed. Simulations show a stiffness reduction to 0.2%of the initial value, a theoretical force resolution of 31 pN, and applicability for any orientation in the gravity field. Experimental investigations on a prototype confirmed the existing potential. However, further optimization of the mechanism is required to negate the effects of manufacturing deviations.
Keck, Lorenz; Seifert, Frank; Schlamminger, Stephan; Newell, David; Theska, René; Haddad, Darine
A Kibble balance as part of a quantum measurement institute in one room at NIST. - In: SMSI 2023 Conference - Sensor and Measurement Science International, (2023), S. 125-126

The new Kibble balance at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is part of the Quantum Electro-Mechanical Metrology Suite (QEMMS). Two quantum standards are incorporated directly in the electrical circuit of the Kibble balance for the realization of the unit of mass. This eliminates the need for external calibration in the Kibble balance experiment. The targeted uncertainty is 2 μg on a 100 g mass and a range from 10 g to 200 g will be covered. We introduce the measurement concept of the QEMMS, show the current state of development and publish first measurements proving the performance of the newly designed balance mechanics.
Schulze, Sven; Arumugam, Kumar; Schlamminger, Stephan; Theska, René; Shaw, Gordon
Capacitance analysis of a shielded sphere-flat capacitor in a high precision electrostatic force balance. - In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2023), S. 449-452

Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Wittke, Martin; Theska, René
Investigation of the sensitivity of a high-precision weighing cell to disturbances caused by the adjustment system. - In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2023), S. 223-224

Weigert, Florian; Wolf, Matthias; Theska, René
Highly reproducible force application for a tool-changing system in nanofabrication machines. - In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2023), S. 73-74

Wittke, Martin; Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Darnieder, Maximilian; Theska, René
Modeling of very thin flexure hinges considering surface topography. - In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2023), S. 71-72

Hebenstreit, Roman; Oertel, Erik; Thier, Daniel; Manske, Eberhard; Theska, René
Investigating the kinematic performance of a positioning device with subatomic resolution. - In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2023), S. 51-54

Wittke, Martin; Darnieder, Maximilian; Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Theska, René
Novel method for determining the mechanical stiffness of weighing cells. - In: SMSI 2023 Conference - Sensor and Measurement Science International, (2023), S. 139-140

Weighing cells with electromagnetic force compensation are frequently used in precision balances and mass comparators. The kinematic structure is given by a compliant mechanism with concentrated compliances. Thin flexure hinges enable highly reproducible motion but limit the sensitivity to mass changes due to their rotational stiffness. To achieve the desired sensitivity, the stiffness of the mechanism must be further reduced by mechanical adjustments. To optimize the adjustment parameters, the initial stiffness of the mechanism needs to be characterized accurately. For this purpose, a novel self-testing method was developed. It allows accurate determination of the elastic stiffness of the weighing cell and the geometric stiffness caused by the masses of the linkages. The method uses static stiffness measurements in three orientations. The gravity vector must be orthogonal to the plane of motion to characterize the elastic stiffness. Determining the geometric stiffness requires the system to be in the working orientation. The upside-down orientation is used to confirm the results. This paper considers the novel method analytically and simulates using a rigid body model and the finite element method. The measurement of the stiffness of a weighing cell prototype is taken to validate the method.
Keck, Lorenz; Seifert, Frank; Newell, David; Theska, René; Haddad, Darine
Characterization and alignment of the flexure mechanism for the new Kibble balance at NIST. - In: ASPE Annual Meeting 2022, (2023), S. 80-84

Keck, Lorenz; Schlamminger, Stephan; Seifert, Frank; Newell, David; Theska, René; Hahhdad, Darine
Design of the mechanical system for the quantum electro-mechanical metrology suite. - In: 36th ASPE Annual Meeting 2021, (2022), S. 53-56

Schulze, Sven; Keck, Lorenz; Rogers, Kyle; Simonds, Brian; Artusio-Glimpse, Alexandra; Williams, Paul; Lehman, John; Seifert, Frank; Newell, David; Theska, René; Schlamminger, Stephan; Shaw, Gordon
An electrostatic force balance as a primary standard to measure high laser power by a multiple reflection system. - In: 36th ASPE Annual Meeting 2021, (2022), S. 11-15

Wittke, Martin; Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Theska, René
Concept of a monolithic stiffness-compensated mechanism for high-resolution force sensors. - In: Sensors and Measuring Systems, (2022), S. 461-464

Monolithic compliant mechanisms with concentrated compliances are often used in high-resolution force sensors and precision balances. Since the measurement resolution is vastly limited by the bending stiffness of the compliant joints, the thinnest part of the joints is reduced to down to 50 µm. A further reduction encounters technological limitations and creates new side effects. Compensation for the "positive" stiffness of the mechanism can be achieved by integrating an element with "negative" stiffness that generates a counteracting force or torque when deflected. In the literature, preloaded tension springs, buckled leaf springs as well as trim masses are predominantly for that purpose. However, most existing approaches are either not monolithic, elaborate to readjust, associated with parasitic forces and torques, or only applicable in a defined orientation relative to the vector of gravity. This paper presents a new concept of monolithic stiffness-compensated mechanisms for use in high-resolution force sensors that is independent of spatial orientation. The negative stiffness is generated by a preloaded spring element of an integrated compensation mechanism. The preload force can be easily adjusted. The compensation force is generated simultaneously with the deflection and transmitted to the main mechanism by a lever and a dedicated coupling element to avoid parasitic effects as much as possible. A suitable design minimizes parasitic motions and avoids buckling of the thin joints as a result of the relatively high preloading force. Finite element simulations are performed to investigate the behavior of the mechanism and to validate the concept.
Torres Melgarejo, Mario Andre; Theska, René
Energy storage for powering fine adjustment systems in hermetically sealed ultra-precision devices. - In: EASS, (2022), S. 47-49

Ultra-precision devices are often operated in hermetically sealed chambers to avoid external disturbances and maximize their performance. The remaining disturbing effects are mitigated through compensation or corrective methods. Compensation is frequently done in form of in-situ fine mechanical adjustments of highly sensitive units. Such adjustment systems utilize electromechanical drives to transform electrical energy into an intended motion. Electric cables are used as energy and signal carriers from an external control unit. The associated disturbing effects limit the adjustability. In particular, cable connections act as mechanical coupling elements, introducing indeterminate and time-varying forces. This paper deals with the conceptual design of a fine adjustment system for ultra-precision devices with an integrated energy storage. A spring-based mechanical energy storage system controlled by an optical signal is found to be the most suitable solution for the targeted field of application. The integration of an energy storage in the adjustment system to avoid electric cables and their disturbance effects will significantly improve the quality and stability of the adjustment and further increase the performance of precision devices.

Schulze, Sven; Arumugam, Kumar; Theska, René; Shaw, Gordon
Development of a high precision balance for measuring quantity of dispensed fluid as a new calibration reference for the becquerel. - In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2022), S. 337-340

Hebenstreit, Roman; Wedrich, Karin; Strehle, Steffen; Manske, Eberhard; Theska, René
First prototype of a positioning device with subatomic resolution. - In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2022), S. 97-100

In the forthgoing work on a device that enables subatomic resolved highly reproducible positioning, a first prototype is here presented. The entire positioning system including the actuator, sensor and guiding mechanism, is realized as a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) on chip level, based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. A modular printed circuit board acts as the mechanical as well as the electrical contacting interface for the silicon chip. First variants of a linear positioning system comprising axisymmetric double parallel crank structure are investigated. Pivot joints as flexure hinges with concentrated compliance are deployed. These hinges show minimal rotational axis displacement for small angles of deflection, thus ensuring smallest deviations to a straight-line path of the linear guiding mechanism. An electrostatic comb actuator transmits forces contactless to minimize over constraints. A measuring bridge in differential mode utilizes the same comb structures to measure the table position based on the capacitance change. Estimating the position resolution, limited by the resolution of the capacitive sensor, a measurable step width below 50 pm can be expected. In further steps, the device will be a platform to be equipped with a lattice-scale-based position measurement system according to achieve an even higher resolution and reproducibility.

Weigert, Florian; Wolf, Matthias; Theska, René
Model-based determination of the reproducibility of kinematic couplings. - In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2022), S. 87-90

Wittke, Martin; Wolf, Matthias; Weigert, Florian; Darnieder, Maximilian; Gerlach, Erik; Zimmermann, Klaus; Theska, René
Investigations on a torque-compensating adjustment drive for mechanically sensitive devices. - In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2022), S. 81-82

Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Wittke, Martin; Theska, René
Adjustable stiffness compensation for monolithic high-precision mechanisms. - In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2022), S. 67-68

Keck, Lorenz; Seifert, Frank; Schlamminger, Stephan; Newell, David; Theska, René; Haddad, Darine
An enhanced mechanism for a Kibble balance at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. - In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2022), S. 55-58

Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Henning, Stefan; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
On the influence of geometrical deviations of flexure hinges on the trajectory behaviour of straight-line compliant mechanisms for ultra-precision applications :
Zum Einfluss von geometrischen Abweichungen von Festkörpergelenken auf das Bahnverhalten von nachgiebigen Geradführungsmechanismen für Ultrapräzisionsanwendungen. - In: Achte IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2022, (2022), insges. 2 S.
Weigert, Florian; Thier, Daniel; Theska, René
Investigations on low-friction kinematic couplings based on compliant mechanism. - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2021), S. 517-518

Ortlepp, Ingo; Fern, Florian; Schienbein, Ralf; Supreeti, Shraddha; Füßl, Roland; Theska, René; Sinzinger, Stefan; Manske, Eberhard
Traceable 5D-nanofabrication with nano positioning and nano measuring machines. - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2021), S. 333-336

Today, besides the ongoing progress in the reduction of feature sizes, the measuring and fabrication of freeform surfaces with nanometre uncertainty, e.g. for aspheric lenses or structures with high aspect ratios, are a challenging task. Usually, dealing with such objects is limited by the local tilt angle between the object surface and the tool axis. There are different approaches to perform such measurements. In this paper, an extension of the Nano Measuring Machine NMM-1 with two rotational axes is described. With the proposed setup, it is possible to orientate the tool-axis perpendicular to the sample in every position, allowing larger angles to be measured / structured and minimising the uncertainty of the process e.g. due to the tilt dependency of the tool. Various machine designs are investigated and finally a solution with one rotary and one goniometer stage is integrated, preserving the existing machine infrastructure and allowing the addressability of a full hemisphere without limiting the measuring volume. As the tool centre point maintains its position during tool rotation, the Abbe principle is still fulfilled in every angular orientation. Emphasis was put on the metrological traceability of the whole system, including linear and rotary axes as well the tool itself. This was achieved by using a reference hemisphere, compensating the trajectory errors of the rotational axes. For the developed arrangement, the measurement uncertainty was investigated and several strategies for an in-situ-calibration of the additional axes are described. Finally, nanofabrication on large slopes is demonstrated.

Schienbein, Ralf; Theska, René; Fern, Florian; Füßl, Roland; Manske, Eberhard
On the development of five-axes nanopositioning machines for measurement and fabrication purposes based on Cartesian systems. - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2021), S. 213-216

Hübner, Maria; Miettinen, Mikael; Vainio, Valtteri; Cierpka, Christian; Theska, René; Viitala, Raine
Behaviour of porous aerostatic bearings with various restrictor permeabilities. - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2021), S. 115-118

Aerostatic bearings are externally pressurized gas lubricated bearings. Aerostatic bearings are used in high speed and precision motion applications due to low friction and high accuracy. They use a restrictor to limit the flow of the gas into the bearing gap. The presence of the restrictor increases the stability of the bearing against self-excited vibrations. This study focuses on porous graphite restrictors and the effect of permeability on the behaviour of the bearing. The bearings were studied both experimentally and with a simulation model. Flat bearing pads with 37 mm diameter and different restrictor bulk permeability were manufactured and tested. Experimental measurements were conducted on a test setup allowing loading of the bearing against a ground steel plate. The load was supplied with a series of weights. The air gap was measured with a linear length gauge, measuring the displacement of the air bearing. The pressure was controlled with a regulator and the flow rate into the bearing was measured. In order to build an accurate simulation model, the permeability of the used material was calculated from the measured short circuit flow through each 4.5 mm thick sample. The flow in the porous material and in the restrictive layer follows Darcy's law, the flow in the air gap is described by the Navier-Stokes-equation. The simulation model was validated with experimental results. Measurement and simulation results include the air gap height, load and flow rate at a supply pressure of 0.4 MPa. According to previous research and preliminary results the surface restrictor layer has increased the resistance of the bearing to self-excited airhammer vibration, leading to a higher load capacity.

Wittke, Martin; Wolf, Matthias; Darnieder, Maximilian; Weigert, Florian; Theska, René
Torque-compensating adjustment drive for mechanically sensitive devices. - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2021), S. 113-114

Layher, Michel; Bliedtner, Jens; Theska, René
Development of a laser beam deflection system for hybrid large scale additive manufacturing. - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2021), S. 75-78

Pabst, Markus; Darnieder, Maximilian; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas
Adjustment concept for compensating stiffness and tilt sensitivity of a novel monolithic EMFC weighing cell. - In: SMSI 2021, (2021), S. 53-54

This paper describes the experimental investigation of a new adjustment concept for planar monolithic high precision electromagnetic force compensated weighing cells. The concept allows to adjust the stiffness and the tilt sensitivity of the compliant mechanisms to an optimum. A new prototype mechanism is set up and adjusted according to the developed mechanical model. For evaluation of the concept, the system was tested on a high precision tilt table and under high vacuum conditions.
Linß, Sebastian; Gräser, Philipp; Torres, Mario; Kaletsch, Tobias; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena
A novel planar two-axis leaf-type notch flexure hinge with coincident rotation axes and its application to micropositioning stages. - In: Microactuators, microsensors and micromechanisms, (2021), S. 1-14

Compliant mechanisms with flexure hinges are well-suited for high-precision applications due to their smooth and repeatable motion. However, the synthesis of planar compliant mechanisms based on notch flexure hinges is mostly limited to the use of single-axis hinges due to the lack of certain multiple-axis flexure hinges. This contribution introduces a novel planar leaf-type notch flexure hinge with two coincident rotation axes based on circular pre-curved leaf springs. A generally suitable hinge geometry is determined through a parametric study using the finite element method (FEM). Finally, the two-axis flexure hinge is applied and investigated for the use in two planar micropositioning stages for the rectilinear guidance of an output link with a large centimeter stroke. The presented two-axis flexure hinge turns out to be a suitable approach to monolithically connect three links of a compliant mechanism in a planar and precise way.
Darnieder, Maximilian; Harfensteller, Felix; Schorr, Philipp; Scharff, Moritz; Linß, Sebastian; Theska, René
Characterization of thin flexure hinges for precision applications based on first eigenfrequency. - In: Microactuators, microsensors and micromechanisms, (2021), S. 15-24

Flexure hinges with small cross-section heights are state of the art in numerous precision engineering applications due to their capability for smooth and repeatable motion. However, the high sensitivity to manufacturing influences represents a challenge. We propose a characterization method for flexure hinges based on the measurement of the free oscillation, to enable the consideration of manufacturing influences in the early stages of the design process. Three semi-circular flexure hinges with different cross-section heights and highly accurate geometry were investigated experimentally to compare them with three theoretical modeling approaches. The results for the three flexure hinge specimens showed small deviations to the predicted values from the models which is in agreement with the results of dimensional measurements. With each modeling approach, a deviation of the minimal notch height from the nominal value can be calculated. This value, in turn, can be used as manufacturing allowance for subsequent manufacturing of compliant mechanisms using the same manufacturing method. An exemplary compliant parallel-crank mechanism proves the applicability of the concept to compliant mechanisms with multiple flexure hinges.
Henning, Stefan; Linß, Sebastian; Gräser, Philipp; Schneider, Julien David; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena
Optimization of compliant path-generating mechanisms based on non-linear analytical modeling. - In: Microactuators, microsensors and micromechanisms, (2021), S. 25-35

Monolithic compliant mechanisms are often used in precision engineering applications for path-generating tasks due to their many advantages. They are mostly realized with concentrated compliance in form of notch flexure hinges and achieve their motion due to bending of the hinges. This contribution presents the non-linear analytical modeling of compliant mechanisms with power function-based notch flexure hinges and their efficient optimization of the elasto-kinematic path-generating properties using MATLAB. Different planar mechanisms are analytically characterized with the theory for large deflections of curved rod-like structures. A verification of the analytical model is exemplified by FEM simulations for a four-hinge Watt mechanism as a point guidance mechanism and for a 12-hinge pantograph mechanism as a plane guidance mechanism. Further, the exponents of the power function contours for each hinge are individually optimized on the example of an Evans and a Roberts mechanism. This is achieved with the goal of minimizing the straight-line deviation of their coupler points realizing a stroke of 10 mm.
Wedrich, Karin; Darnieder, Maximilian; Vierzigmann, Eric; Barth, Alexander; Theska, René; Strehle, Steffen
Conceptual design of a microscale balance based on force compensation. - In: Microactuators, microsensors and micromechanisms, (2021), S. 103-114

Macroscopic electromagnetic force compensation (EMFC) balances are well established but were not yet demonstrated within microsystems. Hence, in this paper, the concept and the design of a micro fabricated force compensation balance is presented. The implemented concentrated compliance mechanism in form of flexure hinges enables motion with high precision, which is combined with a force compensation mechanism. The concept of force compensation promises a high measurement range, which is expected to be up to 0.5 mN, while still enabling a high resolution of less than 8 nN. The developed dynamic model of the miniaturized balance is used for the design of a PID-controller strategy. Here, continuous and time-discrete controller approaches are compared. The time-discrete controller with realistic delay times, leads to an accuracy of the controller, which is better than the expected accuracy of the integrated capacitive position sensor.
Weigert, Florian; Theska, René
Investigations on kinematic couplings for tool-changing interfaces in highest-precision devices. - In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2020), S. 557-558

Hebenstreit, Roman; Theska, René; Wedrich, Karin; Strehle, Steffen
Conceptional design of a positioning device with subatomic resolution and reproducibility. - In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2020), S. 305-306

Darnieder, Maximilian; Pabst, Markus; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René
Corner loading and its influence on the tilt sensitivity of precision weighing cells. - In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2020), S. 95-98

Torres Melgarejo, Mario André; Theska, René
Wireless actuation within hermetically enclosed precision systems. - In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2020), S. 73-74

Pabst, Markus; Darnieder, Maximilian; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas
Measuring and adjusting the stiffness and tilt sensitivity of a novel 2D monolithic high precision electromagnetic force compensated weighing cell. - Boulder, Colo. : NCSL International. - 1 Online-Ressource (1 Seite)Publikation entstand im Rahmen der Veranstaltung: Metrology in motion : NCSLI workshop & symposium, August 24-29, 2019

Further improvements in high precision mass comparison are a recent issue in the dissemination chain of the mass standard. One of the most precise methods of mass comparison is achieved by the use of high precision electromagnetic force compensated (EMFC) weighing cells as part of mass comparators. The mechanics of EMFC weighing cells are based on compliant mechanisms with concentrated compliances in form of flexure hinges. Total mechanical stiffness and tilt sensitivity are limiting factors with regard to the resolution of EMFC weighing cells. In order to optimize their performance, the stiffness and the tilt sensitivity of the systems need to be minimized. Due to manufacturing restrictions and robustness requirements, a further reduction of the thickness of the pivots is not desirable. In this paper, an alternative to reduce stiffness and tilt sensitivity by adding trim weights in combination with an astasizing adjustment is presented. Based on the results of the investigations, a new planar monolithic mechanism for an EMFC weighing cell is designed, providing the possibility to adjust trim masses. The new mechanism is set up and adjusted according to the developed mechanical model. A parameter combination for a total stiffness slightly above zero and a tilt sensitivity close to zero is found. For the evaluation of the adjustment success and the vacuum compatibility, the system is tested under high vacuum conditions.
Sasiuk, Taras; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René; Darnieder, Maximilian
Generation of a static torque in the range of 1 mNm to 1 Nm according to the Jokey-weight principle. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 111-120

Fern, Florian; Schienbein, Ralf; Füßl, Roland
Neues Konzept für eine fünfachsige Nanomessmaschine. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 131-138

Kirchner, Johannes; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Gerhardt, Uwe; Fern, Florian; Schienbein, Ralf; Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Hofmann, Martin; Sasiuk, Taras; Sinzinger, Stefan; Manske, Eberhard
Applications of a fiber coupled chromatic confocal sensor in nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines :
Anwendungen eines fasergekoppelten chromatisch konfokalen Sensors in Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschinen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 86 (2019), S. S17-S21
Fern, Florian; Schienbein, Ralf; Füßl, Roland; Theska, René; Kühnel, Michael; Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Manske, Eberhard
In situ error measurement of serial rotational devices for the application in nano coordinate measuring machines :
In-situ-Messung von Bewegungsabweichungen serieller Rotationsachsen zur Anwendung in Nanomessmaschinen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 86 (2019), S. S77-S81
Linß, Sebastian; Gräser, Philipp; Henning, Stefan; Harfensteller, Felix; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena
Synthesis method for compliant mechanisms of high-precision and large-stroke by use of individually shaped power function flexure hinges. - In: Advances in mechanism and machine science, (2019), S. 1569-1578

Harfensteller, Felix; Linß, Sebastian; Gräser, Philipp; Weber, Christian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Optimization-based approach to the embodiment design of compliant mechanisms with different flexure hinges. - In: Advances in mechanism and machine science, (2019), S. 1579-1588

Schienbein, Ralf; Fern, Florian; Theska, René; Füßl, Roland
On the development and qualification of multiaxial designs of nanofabrication machines with ultra precision tool rotations. - In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2019), S. 68-69

The majority of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines (NPMMs) are based on three independent linear movements in a Cartesian coordinate system with a repeatability in the nanometer range. This in combination with the specific nature of sensors and tools limits the addressable part geometries. This article contributes to the enhancement of multiaxial machine structures by the implementation of rotational movements while keeping the precision untouched. A parameter based dynamic evaluation system with quantifiable technological parameters has been set up and employed to identify general solution concepts and adequate substructures. It further on contains data based on comprehensive design catalogues, uncertainty calculations and CAD-model based footprint analysis for specific setups. First evaluations show high potential for sample scanning mode variants considering linear movements of the object in combination with angular movements of the tool, considering a goniometer setup in specific. Based on this, positioning systems for the tool rotation of a NPMM were selected and the positioning properties of different arrangements were determined in test series using autocollimators. General properties of the influence of the arrangement were derived. The arrangement of the substructures which fulfils the previous given requirements is integrated into the NPMM and investigated for long-term stability using a retroreflector as a tool and various laser interferometers. The influence of the additional positioning systems on the existing structure of NPMMs are investigated and solutions for the optimization of the overall system with regard to reproducibility and long-term stability are developed. For this purpose, comprehensive FEA simulations are carried out and structural adjustments are derived via topology optimizations. After all, the knowledge gained is formed into general rules for the verification and optimization of design solutions for multiaxial nanopositioning machines.

Weigert, Florian; Hebenstreit, Roman; Theska, René
Measuring setup for the investigation of the reproducibility of tool changing interfaces for high-precision devices. - In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2019), S. 172-173

High-precision devices such as the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines developed at Technische Universität Ilmenau are capable of measuring structures with nanometre precision. The machines are prepared for the use of different measuring tools, whereby the tool change has to be done manually. The reproducibility of the tool change is not sufficient to continue measuring without elaborate calibration. The extension of the machine capabilities for use in nanofabrication requires an automatic, highly reproducible tool change. A reproducibility of the changing interface of 30 nm is targeted. State of the art interfaces have a reproducibility which is one order of magnitude lower. To be able to measure the reproducibility in five DOF, an appropriate measuring method and setup are required. The required properties such as the measurement uncertainties are determined on the basis of these requirements. Measuring methods are compared, evaluated and selected systematically. The design of the measuring setup focuses particularly on minimizing disturbing temperature influences for the identification of function-determining influences of kinematic couplings. A vector-based uncertainty analysis is carried out to validate the setup.

Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Investigations of different compliant manipulator concepts for a high-precise rotational motion. - In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2019), S. 64-67

Due to their advantages over conventional mechanisms, compliant mechanisms with notch flexure hinges are state of the art in precision engineering and micro systems technology. These compliant mechanisms are often used in positioning and adjustment applications with up to six degrees of freedom. In addition to the translational motions, as they are mainly required in linear tables and planar stages, also rotational motions are needed. For the realization of a high-precise rotation by compliant manipulators certain concepts with different complexity are existing. One approach is the use of flexure hinges with different geometrical parameters and notch shapes, which can be purposefully optimised depending on the requirements of the specific application. Another approach is the use of compliant mechanisms, in which the instantaneous centre of rotation represents the axis of rotation of the guided link either according to the remote centre of compliance concept or within the mechanism design space itself. In addition, a novel concept using a specific configuration of a four-bar mechanism, in which two adjacent links are of an equal length is presented in this contribution. The different approaches are compared by means of kinematic investigations and FEM-based simulations and the potential regarding a high-precise rotation with path deviations in the low micrometre range is shown.

Darnieder, Maximilian; Pabst, Markus; Fröhlich, Thomas; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Mechanical properties of an adjustable weighing cell. - In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2019), S. 86-89

Darnieder, Maximilian; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René
Tilt sensitivity modeling of a monolithic weighing cell structure. - In: Interdisciplinary applications of kinematics, (2019), S. 257-264

Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Optimization of compliant mechanisms by use of different polynomial flexure hinge contours. - In: Interdisciplinary applications of kinematics, (2019), S. 265-274

This paper presents the application of different polynomial flexure hinge contours in one compliant mechanism in order to increase both simultaneously the precision and the stroke of the output motion of compliant mechanisms. The contours of the flexure hinges are optimized in dependency of the required elasto-kinematic properties of the mechanism. This new approach for optimization is described in comparison to the use of identical common hinge contours. Based on previously optimized single polynomial flexure hinges, the validity of proposed guidelines is analyzed for a combination of several flexure hinges in two compliant mechanisms for linear point guidance. The rigid-body models of both mechanisms realize an approximated straight line as output motion. The compliant mechanisms are designed through the rigid-body replacement method and with different polynomial flexure hinges with orders varying from 2 to 16. The multi-criteria optimization is performed by use of non-linear FEM simulations. The derived values for the kinematic output parameters are compared for the ideal model and the optimized compliant mechanism. The results are discussed and conclusions for ongoing research work are drawn.

Theska, René; Zentner, Lena; Fröhlich, Thomas; Weber, Christian; Manske, Eberhard; Linß, Sebastian; Gräser, Philipp; Harfensteller, Felix; Darnieder, Maximilian; Kühnel, Michael
Compliant mechanisms for ultra-precise applications. - In: Interdisciplinary applications of kinematics, (2019), S. 249-256

This paper reports about enhanced compliant mechanisms with flexure hinge based on new analytic and/or FEM models that have been manufactured by state of the art wire EDM technology. Experimental proofs at test benches, equipped with ultra-precise interferometer based length and angular measurement systems, show first time the residual deviation to the intended path of motion with a resolution of nanometers/arc seconds. Theoretically determined and measured data are in good correlation. Repeatability limitations are rather more given by the residual noise of the overall test arrangement and mainly not by the mechanism itself.

Weigert, Florian; Theska, René
Development of a changing interfacefor tools in nanofabrication machines with a highly reproducible position definition :
Entwicklung einer Wechselschnittstelle für Tools in Nanofabrikationsmaschinen mit hochreproduzierbarer Lagedefinition. - In: 5. IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2019, (2019), S. 90-93

Im Stand der Forschung sind Wechselschnittstellen für Sensoren und Werkzeuge bereits in unterschiedlichen Maschinenklassen zu finden. Diese erfüllen jedoch nicht die geforderten höchsten Ansprüche an die Reproduzierbarkeit der Position für den Einsatz in Nanofabrikationsmaschinen. Kinematische Kopplungen zeigen aufgrund ihrer eindeutigen, kinematisch bestimmten Lagedefinition und einer hohen Reproduzierbarkeit eine gute Eignung für den Einsatz als Wechselschnittstelle in Nanofabrikationsmaschinen. Anhand von analytischen Berechnungen werden die wirkenden Kräfte und Verformungen der Koppelpunkte ermittelt. Für die Integration einer Justierung werden neue Anordnungen einer solchen kinematischen Kopplung untersucht. Da analytische und numerische Modelle die Reproduzierbarkeit nicht ausreichend genau abbilden können, wird ein geeigneter Messaufbau entwickelt. Dessen Eignung wird anhand einer dreidimensionalen, vektorbasierten Unsicherheitsanalyse nachgewiesen. Anschließend wird mittels der Ergebnisse der untersuchten Prototypen ein Modell zur Beschreibung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Konstruktionsmerkmalen und Reproduzierbarkeit entwickelt.
Soares Oliveira, Rafael; Machado, Renato R.; Lepikson, Herman; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René
A method for the evaluation of the response of torque transducers to dynamic load profiles. - In: Acta IMEKO, ISSN 2221-870X, Bd. 8 (2019), 1, S. 13-18
Schienbein, Ralf; Fern, Florian; Jorda, David; Theska, René; Füßl, Roland
On the design of long range multiaxial nanofabrication machines based on Cartesian nanopositioning systems with additional ultra precision rotations. - In: 33rd ASPE Annual Meeting, ISBN 978-1-887706-77-3, (2018), S. 527-532

As result of a comprehensive literature survey, the majority of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines (NPMMs) are based on three independent linear movements in a Cartesian coordinate system with a repeatability in the nanometer range. This in combination with the specific nature of sensors and tools (further on summarized as tool) limits the addressable part geometries. Depending on the tool in use, spherical and aspherical geometries as well as free-form surfaces cannot be measured or only to a certain limit. This article contributes to the enhancement of multiaxial machine structures by the implementation of rotational movements while keeping the precision untouched. A systematic parameter based dynamic evaluation approach was developed for the creation and selection of adequate machine structures for multiaxial nanopositioning systems (DOF>3). To support the selection, detailed parameter sets are generated containing explicit moving ranges, uncertainties, resolutions, reproducibilities and costs. The parameter sets are further detailed with derived characteristics such as deformations, vibrations or thermal influences due to the additional rotations based on FEA-models and verified experimental data. This approach is also applied to the rotation of the sample. The results are compared to those of the tool rotation and mixed versions. After all, the knowledge gained, is formed into general rules for the verification and optimization of design solutions for multiaxial nanopositioning machines. Out of these investigations, a rotation of the tool is a favourable solution. Kinematics with a high degree of fulfilment consider a common instantaneous center of rotation in the tool center point (T). Compared to a fixed tool position this leads to shifting deviations of (T) due to deformations of the frame depending on the actual mass distribution. In addition, deviations of (T) are caused by vibrations and thermal influences of the positioning system. The strict separation of the force frame and the metrology frame, thermal shielding and direct measuring systems for the deviation of (T) can compensate the effects that are dependent on the selected overall structure and positioning system.

Fern, Florian; Füßl, Roland; Schienbein, Ralf; Theska, René
Ultra precise motion error measurement of rotation kinematics for the integration in nanomeasuring and nanofabrication machines. - In: 33rd ASPE Annual Meeting, ISBN 978-1-887706-77-3, (2018), S. 122-126

The semiconductor industry has been done an incomparable progress during the last 60 years. With the ongoing reduction of the structure size by new fabrication techniques the nanomeasurement systems have also increased their performance [1]. Besides this development the measurement and fabrication of freeform surfaces, aspheric lenses or high aspect ratio structures are still highly challenging. There are different commercial and scientific approaches to measure on freeform surfaces [2, 3, 4, 5].

Fern, Florian; Füßl, Roland; Schienbein, Ralf; Theska, René
Influence of additional rotational movements on the measurement uncertainty of nanomeasuring, nanopositioning and nanofabrication machines. - In: Sensors and Measuring Systems, (2018), S. 168-171

The measurement of freeform surfaces, aspheric lenses or the sidewall roughness of high aspect ratio structures are a current challenge in nanometrology. There are different publications and commercial products with approaches to perform a measurement of those quantities [1, 2, 3, 4]. Beside the nanomeasurement the nanofabrication on curved freeform surfaces is an upcoming trend. The measurement or the fabrication on a freeform surface is limited by the possible tilt angle between the tools working axis and the local surface normal. To achieve larger angles and a minimal measurement uncertainty the tool must be placed optimal to the local surface. According to those requirements, concepts are developed to increase the degree of freedom in positioning. The x-y-z translational positioning system of an nanomeasuring machine (NMM-1) with a working volume of 25×25×5mm^3 [5] will be extended by additional rotational movements. The rotation can be achieved by three basic principles of motion which are the rotation of the sample, of the tool or a combination of the tool and the sample rotation. In a first step the principles of motion are described by their bare geometrical properties and decoupled from real positioning systems. A constant instantaneous centre of motion in the sensor measurement point is determined as the optimal principle for a rotational system. This principle is further investigated and is made concrete by choosing a combination of kinematics [6]. A vectorial approach based on the GUM [7] is used to evaluate the influence of the axes error motion on the measurement result. The method and the results for a combination of a rotary table and a goniometer axis are described in detail.
Hahm, Christoph; Theska, René; Fehringer, Andreas; Kästner, Anett
Qualification of the endurance strength enhancement of silane coated concrete parts. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 29 (2018), 10, S. 104003, insges. 9 S.
Scharff, Moritz; Darnieder, Maximilian; Steigenberger, Joachim; Alencastre, Jorge H.; Behn, Carsten
Theoretical investigations on the behavior of artificial sensors for surface texture detection. - In: Dynamical systems in theoretical perspective, (2018), S. 311-321

Animal vibrissae are used as natural inspiration for artificial tactile sensors, e.g., the mystacial vibrissae enable rodents to perform several tasks in using these tactile hairs: object shape determination and surface texture discrimination. Referring to the literature, the Kinetic Signature Hypothesis states that the surface texture detection is a highly dynamic process. It is assumed that the animals gather information about the surface texture out of a spatial, temporal pattern of kinetic events. This process has to be analyzed in detail to develop an artificial tactile sensor with similar functionalities. Hence, we set up a mechanical model for theoretical investigations of the process. This model is analyzed in two different directions using numerical simulations: at first a quasi-static and then a fully dynamic description.
Hahm, Christoph; Theska, René; Raab, Dagmar; Fehringer, Andreas; Kästner, Anett
Experimental qualification of the strength enhancement of coated concrete parts. - In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2018), S. 147-148

Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Räder, Thomas; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Investigations of the geometrical scaling in the systematic synthesis of compliant mechanisms. - In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2018), S. 67-68

Schienbein, Ralf; Weigert, Florian; Fern, Florian; Theska, René; Füßl, Roland
The implementation of ultra precision rotations to multiaxial nanofabrication machines: challenges and solution concepts. - In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2018), S. 65-66

Existing long-range nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines are based on three independent linear movements in a Cartesian coordinate system. This in combination with the specific nature of sensors and tools (further on summarized as tool) limits the addressable part geometries. This article contributes to the enhancement of multiaxial machine structures by the implementation of rotational movements while keeping the precision untouched. A parameter based dynamic evaluation system with quantifiable technological parameters has been set up and employed to identify general solution concepts and adequate substructures. First evaluations show high potential for sample scanning mode variants considering linear movements of the object in combination with angular movements of the tool, considering a goniometer setup in specific. The evaluation system is further enhanced by the implementation of data based on comprehensive design catalogues, uncertainty calculations and CAD-model based footprint analysis for specific setups. To support the selection, detailed parameter sets are generated containing explicit moving ranges, uncertainties, resolutions, reproducibilities and costs. This approach is also applied to the rotation of the object. The results are compared to the tool rotation and mixed versions. After all, the knowledge gained, is formed into general rules for the verification and optimization of design solutions for multiaxial nanopositioning machines.

Darnieder, Maximilian; Torres, Mario; Linß, Sebastian; Theska, René
On precise modelling of very thin flexure hinges. - In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2018), S. 87-88

The continuously rising demands for precision favour the application of monolithic compliant mechanisms with flexure hinges in various fields of precision engineering. It gives way to an almost frictionless and precise motion even under vacuum conditions. These advantages have made compliant mechanism an integral component of high precision weighing cells. A downside of compliant joints is their stiffness towards deflection, which limits the sensitivity of the overall system. Consequently, the flexure hinges are manufactured as thin as possible. The present limit in terms of manufacturing technology is within the range of 50 [my]m. The objective of predicting the behaviour of highest precision weighing cells by modelling is directly interconnected with the exact knowledge of the behaviour of flexure hinges in terms of stiffness. Especially, for flexure hinges with high aspect ratios, typically found in weighing cells, the existing analytical equations and finite element models show pronounced deviations. The present research effort is dedicated to a clarification of this observation. Structure mechanical finite element models are developed to identify the deviations of the models precisely. Results obtained are compared to analytical results and conclusions for the modelling of thin flexure hinges are drawn.

Theska, René; Zentner, Lena; Fröhlich, Thomas; Weber, Christian; Manske, Eberhard; Linß, Sebastian; Gräser, Philipp; Harfensteller, Felix; Darnieder, Maximilian; Kühnel, Michael
State of the art precision motion systems based on compliant mechanisms. - In: The 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, (2018), S. 3-8

Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Schienbein, Ralf; Kirchner, Johannes; Reinhardt, Carsten; Manske, Eberhard
Development of laser positioning system of high accuracy in the nanometer range. - In: Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XI, (2018), 105440E, insges. 7 S.

Direct Laser Writing techniques like two-photon-polymerization or UV-lithography have become common tools for the micro- and nanofabrication of precise devices like photonic crystals. A decrease in the size of structures of special devices requires a significant better resolution of the laser beam system that can be determined by using different photoinitiators or a second depletion laser for STED-lithography. However, besides the optical limits for the resolution of the laser system due to diffraction effects, the positioning systems for the laser beam or the sample stage lead to further imprecisenesses. To benefit from the high resolution techniques for the structuring process, the need for highly accurate positioning systems has dramatically grown during the last years. A combination of lithographic techniques with a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine NMM-1, developed at the TU Ilmenau, enables high precision structuring capability in an extended range. The large positioning volume of 25mm x 25mm x 5mm with a resolution in the sub-nanometer range is a good condition for ultra precision manufacturing with large area 3D-Laser-Lithography. Advantages and disadvantages as well as further developments of the NMM-1 system will be discussed related to current developments in the laser beam and nanopositioning system optimization. Part of the further development is an analysis of the implementability of additional ultra precise rotational systems in the NMM-1 for the unlimited addressability perpendicular to the surface of a hemisphere as key strategy for multiaxial nanopositioning and nanofabrication systems.
Beloivan, Pavel A.; Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Frolov, Dmitry N.; Theska, René
Estimation of clearances in the design and adjustment of barrel type lens systems. - In: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X, (2017), Seite 103293V-1-103293V-5
Scheibe, Hannes; Schindler, Christian; Theska, René
Technologies for cost-effective manufacturing of precision aspheres and freeforms. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2017), insges. 11 S.

Oliveira, Rafael; Lepikson, Herman; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas
Evaluation of the principle for generating reference inertial torques for the dynamic calibration of torque transducers. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2017), insges. 11 S.

Beloivan, Pavel A.; Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Theska, René
Features of assembly and adjustment of lens objectives. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2017), insges. 1 S.
Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
On the influence of the flexure hinge orientation in planar compliant mechanisms for ultra-precision applications. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2017), insges. 10 S.
Hahm, Christoph; Theska, René; Raab, Dagmar; Fehringer, Andreas; Kästner, Anett
Qualification of silane coatings for the strength enhancement of concrete parts. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2017), insges. 10 S.
Darnieder, Maximilian; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas; Pabst, Markus; Wenig, Ronny; Hilbrunner, Falko
Design of high-precision weighing cells based on static analysis. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2017), insges. 10 S.
Schienbein, Ralf; Theska, René; Weigert, Florian
A contribution to the implementation of ultraprecision rotations for multiaxial nanopositioning machines. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2017), insges. 10 S.
Darnieder, Maximilian; Marangoni, Rafael R.; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas; Rahneberg, Ilko
Contribution to the mechanical enhancement of load cells in precision weighing technology by means of advanced adjustment strategies. - In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2017), S. 411-412

The accuracy of force measurement systems is predominantly influenced by its stiffness towards deflection. Monolithic mechanical systems in precision weighing technology rely on ultrathin flexure hinges. Further stiffness reduction by a decrease of the minimum hinge thickness is unfavourable. Consequently, the present concept relies on compensation rather than a reduction of the stiffness. Based on precise adjustments, the system state is altered towards an astatic state. Hereby, the overall stiffness and the tilt sensitivity is reduced. These properties have been determined as major contributions to the measurement error. The results of the theoretical investigations form a basis for future experiments and a further improvement of load cells.

Hahm, Christoph; Theska, René; Raab, Dagmar; Mitterhuber, Monika; Kästner, Anett
Strength enhancement of precision concrete parts by sol-gel surface coating. - In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2017), S. 51-52

In former own publications it was shown, that high precision concrete parts are a reliable alternative to natural stone for machine base frames. Beside long term stability also a predictable and highly reproducible thermal behaviour is required. The use of low expansion materials is not appropriate for a whole machine structure since these materials are coming with several drawbacks in the mechanical behaviour in combination with high costs. Thermal compensation by special design also raises cost and complexity. The application of materials with identical thermal expansion coefficients in combination with appropriate mechanical properties can solve this problem at significantly reduced costs. Concrete is a promising material for the whole machine structure under these circumstances. In contrast to base frames moving parts need to have a lightweight design thus requiring a high level of specific stiffness. Concrete with a specific stiffness close to steel is an interesting material for the design of movable components coming up with dynamic properties comparable to welded steel structures. Additionally a high material strength is needed in lightweight design. Concrete shows high compressional strength but is sensitive to tensile stress that cannot be fully eliminated. Therefore notch effects and stress concentrations need to be avoided. Reinforcement by implementation of steel or carbon fibres is not applicable since they come with thermal inhomogeneity. An alternative reinforcement can also be done by organofunctional sol-gel silane coating.

Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Large stroke ultra-precision planar stage based on compliant mechanisms with polynomial flexure hinge design. - In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2017), S. 107-108

Precision stages based on compliant mechanisms have many advantages over conventional linear guides. Therefore they are widely used in many applications in precision engineering, measurement technology, semiconductor industry and space technology. The motion range of high-precise compliant mechanisms is often limited to some micrometres up to submillimetre. This contribution presents the development in the design of a compliant mechanism allowing a bidirectional planar motion with a large stroke of up to 10 mm and a straight line deviation of only a few micrometres. Based on the outstanding reproducibility of the path of motion, positioning and measurement of large objects with accuracy in the nanometre range have been realised.

Schienbein, Ralf; Theska, René
A contribution to the development of multiaxial nanopositioning machines. - In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2017), S. 113-114

Existing long range nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines are based on three independent linear movements in three rectangular axes. This in combination with the specific nature of optical and mechanical sensors and tools limits the application of those machines in terms of addressable part geometries. State of the art multiaxial precision machines solve this problem but do not fulfil the requirements in positioning accuracy. This article contributes to the development of multiaxial machine structures allowing e.g. 5-axis operation while keeping the precision in the nanometre range. The knowledge base of existing nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines as well as multiaxial precision machines is collected within systematic structural search to give a broad overview. The accumulated database is than changed over in an abstract format of technical principles and analysed to derive general solution principles for multiaxial nanopositioning machines. A parameter based dynamic evaluation system with quantifiable technological parameters is performed to identify general solution concepts. State of the art machines are evaluated based on this classification system in terms of the implementation of multi-axial movements. After all, the knowledge gained is formed into general rules for the verification and optimization of constructive solutions for multiaxial nanopositioning machines.

Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Design and experimental characterization of a flexure hinge-based parallel four-bar mechanism for precision guides. - In: Microactuators and Micromechanisms, (2017), S. 139-152
Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Increasing the stroke of an ultra-precise compliant mechanism with optimised flexure hinge contours. - In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, ISBN 978-0-9566790-8-6, (2016), S. 487-488

This paper presents the investigations of the influences of the flexure hinges contours in compliant linkage mechanisms for precision engineering applications. Especially the influence on the precision of the path of motion and the stroke of the compliant mechanism is reflected. Based on previous investigations on optimised single flexure hinges [1] the validity of the proposed guidelines is analysed for an interconnection of flexure hinges in one mechanism. A parallel crank mechanism is used as an example for such a compliant rectilinear guiding mechanism. The parameters of the approximated linear motion are compared for the rigid-body model, compliant analytic model, FEM simulation models and measurements on manufactured prototypes.

Wohlfahrt, Fabian; Theska, René
Force controlled dilatometer. - In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, ISBN 978-0-9566790-8-6, (2016), P7.08, insges. 2 S.

Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Synthesis and investigation of a compliant linkage mechanism for precision guides :
Synthese und Untersuchung eines nachgiebigen Koppelmechanismus für Präzisionsführungen. - In: Zweite IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2016, 25. - 26. Februar 2016, Universität Innsbruck, (2016), insges. 8 S.

Smirnov, Nikolai V.; Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Theska, René
Enhanced adjustment methods for optical rotary encoders. - In: Optical measurement systems for industrial inspection IX, 2015, 952535, insges. 8 S.

Oliveira, Rafael S.; Lepikson, Herman A.; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René; Duboc, Wagner A.
A new proposal for the dynamic test of torque transducers. - In: Full papers, (2015), insges. 4 S.

Oliveira, Rafael S.; Fröhlich, Thomas; Lepikson, Herman A.; Winter, Simon; Theska, René
Uncertainty of measurement for the inertial torque estimation in angular acceleration ramps of rotating shafts. - In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2015), S. 165-166

Scheibe, Hannes; Roth, Eckhard; Giggel, Volkmar; Theska, René
Latest investigations on technologies for fast prepolishing of precision aspheres. - In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2015), S. 27-28

Gräser, Philipp; Linß, Sebastian; Zentner, Lena; Theska, René
Ultra-precise linear motion generated by means of compliant mechanisms. - In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2015), S. 241-242

This article describes a measurement setup for experimental analysis of the path of motion of compliant linkage mechanisms. Especially mechanisms with an ultra-precise linear motion of one coupler point are considered. For a maximum in precision of measurement, interferometric length measure systems are used. In the evaluation of measurement the results of the experimental setup are compared to the results of the simulated path of motion. In this way the simulation model can be refined, thus giving a better description of the kinematic behavior.

Linß, Sebastian; Opfermann, Ronald; Gräser, Philipp; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena
Compliant linkage mechanisms with optimized flexure hinges for precision applications :
Nachgiebige Koppelmechanismen mit optimierten Festkörpergelenken für Präzisionsanwendungen. - In: IFToMM D-A-CH Conference 2015, (2015), insges. 7 S.

Festkörpergelenke werden aufgrund ihrer Vorteile als stoffgekoppelte Drehgelenke in nachgiebigen Koppelmechanismen eingesetzt. Für Präzisionsanwendungen kommen überwiegend prismatische Festkörpergelenke mit elementaren geometrischen Aussparungen zum Einsatz. Eine wesentliche Phase bei der Synthese eines nachgiebigen Koppelmechanismus ist die in diesem Beitrag untersuchte geometrische Gestaltung und Optimierung der prismatischen Festkörpergelenke hinsichtlich geforderter Mechanismuseigenschaften. Hierzu zählt neben dem Bewegungsbereich v. a. die Bahngenauigkeit im Vergleich mit dem zugrunde liegenden Starrkörpermechanismus. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die FEM-basierte Konturoptimierung im nachgiebigen Mechanismus auf der Basis von Polynomkonturen untersucht. Beispielhaft werden zwei Mechanismen zur Realisierung einer Punktgeradführung betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse der mehrkriteriellen Optimierung werden am Beispiel einer nachgiebigen Schubkurbel messtechnisch überprüft. Abschließend wird ein Ansatz für die Mechanismussynthese abgeleitet.
Lemanzyk, Thomas; Anding, Katharina; Linß, Gerhard; Rodriguez Hernández, Jorge; Theska, René
Food safety by using machine learning for automatic classification of seeds of the South-American Incanut plant. - In: 2014 Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Science Behind Safety and Security, (2015), 012036, insges. 5 S.
Gon¸calves, Luis Antonio; Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Theska, René; Lepikson, Herman Augusto
Characterization of the elasto-kinematic behavior of generalized cross-spring bearings. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 20 S.
Marangoni, Rafael R.; Baron, Raphael
Pipeline inspection robot. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 6 S.
Hahm, Christoph; Theska, René; Flohr, Alexander; Osburg, Andrea; Hartmann, O.
Concrete - future material for high precision machines. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 7 S.
John, Kerstin; Theska, René; Manske, Eberhard; Büchner, Hans-Joachim
The influence of polarisation changes introduced by deflecting elements to interferometric measurements. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 13 S.
Scheibe, Hannes; Theska, René;
Approaches to cost-effective manufacturing of precision aspheres. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 9 S.
Smirnov, Nikolai V.; Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Theska, René;
Adjustment and evaluation of incremental optical rotary encoders. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 7 S.
Oliveira, Rafael S.; Lepikson, Herman Augusto; Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Machado, Raphael R.; Winter, Simon; Theska, René; Fröhlich, Thomas
New proposals for the dynamic tests of torque transducers. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 10 S.
Schleichert, Jan; Carlstedt, Matthias; Marangoni, Rafael R.; Rahneberg, Ilko; Fröhlich, Thomas
Dynamic characterization of a multi-component force transducer using a Lorentz force load changer. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 11 S.
Fiedler, Bernd; Gerlach, Erik; Husung, Isabel; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus; Füßl, Roland; Manske, Eberhard; Hausotte, Tino; Theska, René
Positioning with nanometre precision requires a high tech Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine and an optimal machine setup. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 8 S.
Hofmann, Norbert; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Manske, Eberhard; Theska, René
A compact tactile surface profiler for multi-sensor applications in nano measuring machines. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 10 S.
Dinh Bao, Bui; Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Theska, René;
Speaking about methods of lens centering. - In: Shaping the future by engineering, (2014), insges. 8 S.

Hahm, Christoph; Theska, René; John, Kerstin; Flohr, Alexander; Osburg, Andrea
Concrete based parts for high precision applications. - In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2013), S. 171-174

Heyne, Marko; Balzer, Felix; Balzer, Felix *1983-*; Theska, René;
Experimental investigation of the stiffness of planar ball guides. - In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2012), S. 485-488

Selva Ginani, Luciano; Theska, René;
Model based error correction for optical aberrations in laser scanning microscopes. - In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2012), S. 68-71

Selva Ginani, Luciano; Theska, René;
A novel approach to correction of optical aberrations in laser scanning microscopy for surface metrology. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 23 (2012), 7, S. 074009, insges. 8 S.
John, Kerstin; Theska, René; Theska, René *1957-*; Erbe, Torsten;
The use of deflecting elements in interferometric applications - advantages and challenges. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), S. 45

Selva Ginani, Luciano; Theska, René;
A novel approach to optical aberrations correction in laser scanning microscopy for surface metrology. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), S. 23

Linß, Sebastian; Erbe, Torsten; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena
The influence of asymmetric flexure hinges on the axis of rotation. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), insges. 10 S.
John, Kerstin; Theska, René; Erbe, Torsten
The use of deflecting elements in interferometric applications - advantages and challenges. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), insges. 9 S.
Sondermann, Mario; Scheibe, Hannes; Scheibe, Hannes *1986-*; Theska, René;
Lens mounts in optical high performance systems with small diameters. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), insges. 8 S.
Wagner, Alexander; Theska, René; Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Lepikson, Herman Augusto; Weingaertner, Walter Lindolfo
Novel approaches to reduce the uncertainty of torque standard machines for small torques. - In: Innovation in mechanical engineering - shaping the future, (2011), insges. 6 S.
Selva Ginani, Luciano; Theska, René;
Optisch scannender Kollisionsschutz für hochpräzise Messeinrichtungen. - In: Einladung zur 112. Jahrestagung vom 14. Juni bis 18. Juni 2011 und zur satzungsgemäßen ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung der DGaO am 17. Juni 2011 in Ilmenau/Thüringen, (2011), S. 132

Heyne, Marko; Mehner, Hannes; Erbe, Torsten; Theska, René
Initial investigations of rolling friction characteristics in planar ball guides with a novel measurement set-up. - In: 10th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instrument, ISMTII 2011, (2011), S. 119

Selva Ginani, Luciano; Theska, René;
A novel approach to laser scanning microscopy using error correction algorithms. - In: 10th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instrument, ISMTII 2011, (2011), S. 79

Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Theska, René; Wagner, Alexander; Lepikson, Herman Augusto; Junior, L. A. G.; Weingaertner, Walter Lindolfo
A novel approach in the application of flexure bearings in primary torque standard machines. - In: Proceedings of the 11th International conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2011), S. 109-112

Wagner, Alexander; Theska, René; Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Lepikson, Herman Augusto; Weingaertner, Walter Lindolfo
New approach to overcome the limitations in small torque realization. - In: Proceedings of the 11th International conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2011), S. 101-104

Heyne, Marko; Mehner, Hannes; Erbe, Torsten; Theska, René
Experimental investigation in the friction characteristics of high precision planar ball guides. - In: Proceedings of the 11th International conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2011), S. 43-46

Selva Ginani, Luciano; Theska, René;
Design and construction of a laser scanning microscope for surface metrology. - In: Proceedings of the 11th International conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2011), S. 121-124

Heyne, Marko; Erbe, Torsten; Erbe, Torsten *1979-*; Theska, René;
Einflüsse auf die Messung des Traganteils planarer Wälzführungen. - In: Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen, (2011), S. 429-433

Heyne, Marko; Erbe, Torsten; Theska, René; Mehner, Hannes
Wälzreibverhalten von Kugel-Ebene-Kontakten in planaren Führungen : Versuchsaufbau und Vorversuche. - In: Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen, (2011), S. 423-427

Heyne, Marko; Erbe, Torsten; Erbe, Torsten *1979-*; Theska, René;
Planare Wälzführung - eine Alternative für hochpräzise Anwendungen. - In: Profilschienenführungen in Werkzeugmaschinen, 2010, 5, insges. 5 S. Text und 12 S. Präsentationsfolien

Manske, Eberhard; Theska, René; Theska, René *1957-*; Schott, Walter;
Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschinen - universelle skalenübergreifende Werkzeuge für die Mikro-Nano-Integration. - In: Mikro-Nano-Integration, (2010), S. 89-92

Erbe, Torsten; Berg, M.; Theska, René; Weber, Christian
Neuartige Verfahrensvarianten zur Herstellung von aerostatischen Führungsflächen. - In: Design for X, (2010), S. 47-58

Erbe, Torsten; Ströhla, Tom; Theska, René; Weber, Christian
Decision-aid for actuator selection. - In: Design 2010, (2010), S. 1503-1512

Berg, Marius; Bernau, René; Erbe, Torsten; Bode, Kay; Theska, René
Primary shaping of smooth and level guideway planes for high precision applications. - In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2010), S. 279-282

Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Theska, René; Wagner, Alexander; Lepikson, Herman Augusto; Weingaertner, Walter Lindolfo
Alternative concepts for high precision bearings in torque standard machines. - In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2010), S. 474-477

Wagner, Alexander; Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Theska, René; Lepikson, Herman Augusto; Weingaertner, Walter Lindolfo
Solution principles for the metrology of very small torques with minimized relative uncertainty. - In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2010), S. 470-473

Heyne, Marko; Kowallik, Thomas; Erbe, Torsten; Theska, René
Measurement of the percentage contact area of high precision planar ball guideways. - In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2010), S. 445-448

Selva Ginani, Luciano; Theska, René;
Investigation of opto-mechanical scanning systems with the use of a ray-tracing tool. - In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2010), S. 148-151

Heyne, Marko; Erbe, Torsten; Erbe, Torsten *1979-*; Theska, René;
Concept of high precision ball quideway with three DOFs. - In: Mechanika, (2010), S. 176-181

Bernau, René; Erbe, Torsten; Berg, Marius; Theska, René
Concrete - an alternative material for machine-frames. - In: Mechanika, (2010), S. 64-69

Berg, Marius; Erbe, Torsten; Bernau, René; Bode, K.; Dimmig-Osburg, Andrea; Theska, René
Realisierung von aerostatischen Führungsflächen auf hydraulisch gebundenem Beton durch Urformen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 200
Erbe, Torsten; Frank, Astrid; Theska, René;
Evaluation and choice of heterogeneous systems at function topology level. - In: Design has never been this cool, 2009, T1-SE2, S. 5-305-5-312

Griebel, Stefan; Böhm, Valter; Erbe, Torsten; Zentner, Lena
Vom Schneckententakel zum nachgiebigen Aktuator. - In: Bionik: Patente aus der Natur, (2009), S. 247-252

Einleitung - Ein Blick in die Natur führte zu der Entwicklung eines neuen nachgiebigen, pneumatisch angetriebenen Aktuators. Hierfür wurde die Bewegung der Tentakel von der Weinbergschnecke (helix pomatia L.) untersucht und die Vorteile der biologischen Struktur analysiert. Auffällig ist der enorme teleskopartige Hub der Tentakel bei gleichzeitig geringem Durchmesser. Des Weiteren sind unter anderem der Schutz der empfindlichen Sinneszellen am Ende der Tentakel sowie eine planare Oberfläche im eingezogen Zustand der Tentakel zu nennen. Die Schnecke als Ganzes kann hierbei als ein geschlossenes fluidisches System betrachtet werden. Material und Methoden - Als erstes wurde vom biologischen Objekt ein einfaches geometrisches Parametermodell abgeleitet. Danach wurde die Finite Elemente Methode angewendet, (Ansys ®) mit der die Verschiebung des Strukturzentrums (Hub) in Abhängigkeit der aufgebrachten inneren Druckbelastung untersucht wurde. Als Material wurde Silikongummi (Elastosil ®) verwendet, welches innerhalb der Simulation mit Hilfe des hyperelastischen Materialgesetzes von Yeoh (3. Ordnung) abgebildet wurde. Die Silikonparameter wurden über uniaxiale Zugversuche ermittelt. Ergebnisse und Diskussion - Bei Variierung der geometrischen Modellparameter ist es möglich, kontinuierliche Bewegungsbahnen des Strukturzentrums oder Bewegungen mit einem oder mehreren (gestuften) Durchschlagphänomenen zu erzeugen. Hierbei ist mono- oder bistabiles Verhalten möglich. Zum Einstellen der Bewegung des Strukturzentrums wird das geometrische Verhältnis zwischen Radius und Dicke herangezogen. Anschließend wurden verschiedene Demonstratoren gefertigt, deren Bewegungsbahnen experimentell untersucht wurden. Der Vergleich der simulierten Bewegungsbahndaten mit den Daten der realen Struktur führte zu guter qualitativer und einer akzeptablen quantitativen Übereinstimmung. Zusammenfassung - Der entwickelte nachgiebige Mechanismus hat ein viel versprechendes Potential bei der Sensorpositionierung. Weitere Anwendungen in der Medizintechnik erwachsen aus der Verwendung von nachgiebigen und zugleich biokompatiblen Materialen.

Erbe, Torsten; Frank, Astrid; Spiller, Frank; Theska, René
Strukturauswahl von Positioniersystemen durch Betrachtung der Funktionstopologie. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 8 S., 324,8 KB)Publ. entstand im Rahmen der Veranst.: Mechatronik 2009: Komplexität beherrschen, Methoden und Lösungen aus der Praxis für die Praxis; Wiesloch bei Heidelberg, 12. und 13. Mai 2009
Król, József; Erbe, Torsten; Ströhla, Tom; Theska, René
A novel function-structure-approach exemplified by selection of gearless drives. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), S. 4
. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 286 KB)
Hackel, Tobias; Frank, Thomas; Frank, Thomas *1978-*; Lotz, Markus;
Vertical nanopositioning of heavy mirrors. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), insges. 2 S.
. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 456,7 KB)
Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Jablotschnikow, E. I.; Padun, Boris S.; Frolov, Dmitry N.; Tabatschkov, Alexey G.; Theska, René; Zocher, Klaus-Peter
Laboratory for automated assembly of microscope lenses. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), insges. 4 S.
Gembus, Christian; Lotz, Markus; Silva, Emilio Carlos Nelli; Theska, René
Topology optimization of a tetrahedron mirror for a high-precision measuring and positioning machine. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), insges. 9 S.
Erbe, Torsten; Król, József; Król, József *1978-*; Theska, René;
Design guidelines for mineral casting as a material for base-frames of precision-machines. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), insges. 2 S.
Erbe, Torsten; Król, József; Ströhla, Tom; Theska, René
Selection of precision actuators by novel function-structure-correspondences. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 4 S., 336,6 KB)Druckausg.: Proceedings of: the twenty-third annual meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering and the Twelfth ICPE : October 19 - 24, 2008, Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront Hotel, Portland, Oregon. - Raleigh, NC : ASPE, 2008. - ISBN 978-1-88770-647-6, S. 288-291
Erbe, Torsten; Król, József; Król, József *1978-*; Theska, René;
Mineral casting as material for machine base-frames of precision machines. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 4 S., 362,5 KB)Druckausg.: Proceedings of: the twenty-third annual meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering and the Twelfth ICPE : October 19 - 24, 2008, Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront Hotel, Portland, Oregon. - Raleigh, NC : ASPE, 2008. - ISBN 978-1-88770-647-6, S. 292-295
Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Jablotschnikow, E. I.; Padun, Boris S.; Frolov, Dmitry N.; Tabatschkov, Alexey G.; Theska, René; Zocher, Klaus-Peter
Laborarory for automated assembly of microscope lenses. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), S. 247-250

Bitencourt, Antonio Carlos Peixoto; Theska, René; Weingaertner, Walter Lindolfo; Stoeterau, Rodrigo Lima; Lepikson, Herman Augusto
Solutions principles for small torque standard machine. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), S. 235-236

Höhne, Günter; Theska, René; Brix, Torsten; Frank, Thomas; Lotz, Markus; Hackel, Tobias
Design and test of a vertical axis setup for nanopositioning applications. - In: COBEM 2007, (2007), insges. 10 S.

Theska, René; Frank, Thomas; Lotz, Markus; Hackel, Tobias
Vertical axis setup for nanopositioning applications. - In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference, (2007), S. 57-60

Lotz, Markus; Höhne, Günter; Hackel, Tobias; Frank, Thomas; Theska, René
Design method for functional components of ultra high precision machines. - In: Design for society, (2007), insges. 12 S.

Lotz, Markus; Hackel, Tobias; Frank, Thomas; Tröbs, Anita; Höhne, Günter; Theska, René; Zimmermann, Klaus
High precision modular long range travel vertical axis. - In: Proceedings of the twenty-first annual meeting, (2006), S. 227-230

Hackel, Tobias; Frank, Thomas; Lotz, Markus; Theska, René; Höhne, Günter
Aktorintegrierte feinwerktechnische Funktionselemente. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [02.P.05], insges. 7 S.
Parallel als CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen
Burbajev, A.; Latyev, Svjatoslav M.; Theska, René;
Analyse der Lagefehler von rotierenden Geradsichtprismen und Methode für deren Justage. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [02.06], insges. 9 S.
Parallel als CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen
Cermann, Christian; Frank, Thomas; Frank, Thomas *1978-*; Theska, René;
Positionierung im Sub-Micrometerbereich durch Einleitung mechanischer Impulse. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [02.01], insges. 4 S.
Parallel als CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen
Frank, Thomas; Lotz, Markus; Hackel, Tobias; Theska, René; Höhne, Günter
Extremer Leichtbau von Messspiegeln für die interferometrische Positionsmessung. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [01.P.04], insges. 7 S.
Parallel als CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen
Lotz, Markus; Frank, Thomas; Hackel, Tobias; Höhne, Günter; Theska, René
Konstruktionsprinzipien zum Entwurf von Nanopositioniermaschinen. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [01.07], insges. 7 S.
Parallel als CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen
Höhne, Günter; Brix, Torsten; Lotz, Markus; Theska, René; Frank, Thomas; Hackel, Tobias
Design of high precision positioning and measuring machines using virtual prototyping. - In: Proceedings of the COBEM 2005, 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, (2005), insges. 8 S.

Theska, René; Frank, Thomas; Hackel, Tobias; Höhne, Günter; Lotz, Markus
Methodical approach for performance rating during the design process of precision machines. - In: Engineering design and the global economy, (2005), S. 527-528

Frank, Thomas; Lotz, Markus; Hackel, Tobias; Theska, René; Höhne, Günter
Extreme lightweight stage mirrors for precision positioning combining silicon and Zerudur. - In: Proceedings of the twentieth annual meeting, 2005, insges. 4 S.

Lotz, Markus; Frank, Thomas; Hackel, Tobias; Theska, René; Höhne, Günter
Novel designs of measuring mirrors for ultra high precision machines. - In: Proceedings of the 5th international conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (2005), S. 21-24

Lotz, Markus; Frank, Thomas; Hackel, Tobias; Theska, René; Höhne, Günter
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