The tenure track professorship provides young talents with a more transparent career path to a lifetime professorship. In principle, the tenure track option is only available to young academics who have changed universities after completing their doctorate or who have spent at least two years working in academia outside their own university.

The tenure track procedure is defined by three main steps:

  1. Advertisement and appointment procedure to select candidates and appointment to a W1 junior professorship,

  2. Interim evaluation to determine whether the junior professors have proven themselves as university lecturers in research and teaching, and

  3. Tenure evaluation, in which a decision is made on whether to take on a permanent and higher-ranking (W2 or W3) professorship.

The procedure is regulated by the TU Ilmenau statutes on the tenure track.

The Ilmenau University of Technology has received funding from the federal-state program for the promotion of early career researchers in the second round of approvals for the establishment of nine tenure-track professorships.

The project is headed by the Vice President for Research and Young Academics at TU Ilmenau, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil Stefan Sinzinger.

Bund-Länder-Programm zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses

With the federal-state programme the tenure-track professorship is being widely established at universities in Germany for the first time. For many young academics, the path to a professorship will become much more transparent and easier to plan: the tenure-track professorship is aimed at young academics in the early career phase and provides for an immediate transition to a lifetime professorship after a successful probationary phase.

The clearly defined tenure phase also means that young academics can be certain earlier than before that they will remain in the academic system in the long term.

The introduction of the tenure-track professorship aims to bring about a cultural change at German universities by establishing and anchoring an additional career path to a professorship. However, the focus of the program also goes beyond this. For example, the program is intended to provide impetus for the further development of personnel structures for all academic staff at German universities - also with a view to career paths outside the professorship. The federal and state governments also want to use the program to sustainably improve equal opportunities and the compatibility of family and career.

To support this aim, TU Ilmenau has initiated an internal tenure-track process. To the intranet

Jametlene Reskp_Unsplash

Offers from TU Ilmenau for tenure track professors

How to Tenure-Track - Inter-university Tenure Track Network

The tenure-track network of TU Ilmenau, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Friedrich Schiller University Jena meets regularly online for cross-university peer-to-peer exchange.

Dates and topics:

27.10.23 12:00-13:30: The self-evaluation report on the interim evaluation

01.12.23 12:00-13:30

18.01.24 12:00-13:30

If you have any questions about the format or the tenure track network, please contact Alexandra Dalek.

Contact person at the BU Weimar is Dr. Katharina Reinholdt, Tenure Track Program Officer

Bauhaus Research School

Marienstraße 14, Room 204 99423 Weimar

Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 41 07

Contact person at the University of Jena is Dr. Kristin Probstmeyer, Coordination Tenure Track and Mentoring

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Jenergasse 8, Room E003 07743 Jena

Tel: +49 3641 9-401370

Mentoring program

In line with the core idea of mentoring - professional success is not only determined by qualifications and commitment, but above all by supportive relationships - TU Ilmenau facilitates and supports these relationships in the mentoring tandem, but also in networking.

For the mentees, contact with successful mentors opens up models for their own career paths, for their own leadership behavior, the art of diplomacy and important strategic career decisions.