Would you like to know why sustainability in mechanical engineering is not just an empty phrase?

Would you like to acquire a sound basic knowledge of how to develop, design and build machines and systems in a resource-saving and energy-efficient way?

Develop production plants, vehicles, consumer goods or medical technology devices, among other things, as a sought-after engineer?

Then study mechanical engineering at the TU Ilmenau!

Short profile

Bachelor of Science
Restrictions on admission-Icon
Restrictions on admission
Standard period of study-Icon
Standard period of study
6 semester
Start of studies-Icon
Start of studies
October 1
Basic internship-Icon
Basic internship
8 weeks
Credit points-Icon
Credit points
Teaching language-Icon
Teaching language

Brief description

Whether it's new power generation equipment, energy-efficient drives in automotive technology or consumer electronics devices - every product is developed in cooperation with mechanical engineers. They look at the holistic development process of machines and devices - from needs analysis, conception and design to assembly and validation. As a mechanical engineer, you look for functional, resource-saving technical solutions that are as sustainable as possible.

In teaching, you will learn the entire breadth of the mechanical engineering spectrum. The focus of your studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is on information and precision measurement technology. In order to understand the structure and functioning of machines and devices, you will be trained in the subjects of design engineering, mechatronics, optics and lighting technology, measurement, sensor and drive technology, automotive engineering, micro and precision engineering, microsystems technology, nanotechnology, manufacturing and production technology and materials technology. This close interlocking is a unique selling point of the mechanical engineering education at the TU Ilmenau.

As a graduate, you will benefit from the excellent reputation of the TU Ilmenau. A career start in various branches of industry, with service providers or in scientific institutes is therefore possible. Interesting activities in research, development, production or sales

Application with German certificates and certificates from an educational institution within the EU / EEA

Application with certificates from an educational institution outside the EU / EEA

Orientation offer

Are you interested in studying Mechanical Engineering at the TU Ilmenau? Are you wondering what an engineer does?
Then take part in one of the many orientation programs!
In courses, at specialist lectures, on a company tour or in interdisciplinary projects, you will learn everything about your studies from the very beginning

Zwei Studierende freuen sich und halten ein Modellauto in der Hand.TU Ilmenau / Stefan Riehmer

I am studying mechanical engineering because I would like to contribute to innovations in the future.

David Jorda


Why Ilmenau?

In the interdisciplinary and practice-oriented study program, you benefit from the extensive know-how and the modern infrastructure at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. From the very first semester, practical exercises in the laboratories and on the test benches of the faculty will deepen your theoretically acquired knowledge. For even more practice, you have the opportunity to expand your studies with "practicING", in the student workshop UNIKAT and other Maker Spaces with additional interdisciplinary offers.

You can specialize according to your interests and, for example, simulate industrial plants and processes or deal with sustainable and environmentally friendly plastic materials. If you would rather learn about manufacturing methods or processes, the facilities in our laboratories offer you excellent conditions. Image processing, coupled with modern artificial intelligence methods and the use of modern sensor technologies support you in monitoring the quality of products already during the manufacturing process.

In the master's program, you can deepen your knowledge, if you wish even in the context of a double degree at a partner university in Peru. You can specialize further and participate in interesting research projects at an early stage, in some cases with well-known industrial partners.

But you can also get involved and develop yourself outside of your studies: in the numerous clubs and initiatives such as Team Starcraft or the Engineers without Borders, as well as in the student clubs on campus or in university sports.


Micha studies mechanical engineering (Master) at the TU Ilmenau

Through Ilmenau with Janine and Marcel

Janine and Marcel take you on an exciting tour through the campus of the TU Ilmenau and through Ilmenau itself. They describe how they live and study in Ilmenau, give numerous leisure time tips and insights into the place of study of the Ilmenau University of Technology and take you to hidden places in the city.

(This video was created as part of a campaign by the Campus Thuringiathe official portal for choosing a course of study in Thuringia. Further insights into the study locations in Thuringia can be found at here. © Pixelpakete GbR)

Content of study

Common engineeringfundamentals (e.g. mathematics, physics, electromagnetics, computer science, fundamentals of mechanical engineering)

31 %

Fundamentals of mechanical engineering 1 (e.g. applied mechanics, technical mechanics, machine elements, production technology, drive engineering, precision engineering, materials)

28 %

Electrical engineering and elektronics

7 %

Optional courses

5 %


3 %

Professional internship and bachelor thesis

14 %
Detailed subject overview: Modultafel Mechanical Engineering (Module List)

Practice during studies

The basic internship is a course of study with a total duration of 8 weeks. If possible, it should be completed before the studies. The specialist internship in the 6th semester lasts 10 weeks and can be completed in companies in Germany and abroad.

Fields of work

  • Precision tool and machine construction
  • Communications and measurement engineering
  • Automotive engineering
  • Production of household appliances
  • Glass and ceramic industry
  • Automation, computing, writing and data technology
  • Lighting industry
Drei Personen sitzen auf dem Rand eines Brunnens und schauen gemeinsam auf ein Tablet und füllen eine Online-Bewerbung für das Studium an der TU Ilmenau aus. Im Hintergrund sind verschwommen Gebäude der TU Ilmenau zu sehen.Michael Reichel (ari)
TU Ilmenau / Tom Goebel
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"A good choice for technical majors" | More reviewsLink



Program coordinator

Study organisation

Dipl.-Ing. Jana Buchheim

+49 3677 69-2494

Related study programs

Professors and staff members will be happy to answer questions about the courses offered by the

Department of Mechanical Engineering.

WebEx room | Meeting identification number 842 757 258

We are looking forward to interesting conversations each

Thursday 3pm - 4pm.