The Computational Communication Science Group offers the following courses:

Teaching in the Bachelor

For students with an interest in Data Science, automated methods, and online research, we recommend the following course assignments:


The graphic shown is to be regarded as a recommendation, but in principle all modules offered by the CCS department can be selected depending on the winter or summer semester.

In the winter semester, the department generally offers the professional field orientation "Contemporary Media" by Henryk Balkow for Bachelor students. In the summer semester, students can take Qualitative, Quantitative and Computational Methods of Analysis (choose the Computational Methods of Analysis branch and the corresponding exercise), but also at least one research seminar dealing with current topics in the online world.

Furthermore, interested students who want to do a media project or their bachelor thesis at the department can contact the staff of the department at any time and get information about it here.


Teaching in the Master

Für Masterstudierende mit Interesse an Data Science, automatisierten Methoden und Onlineforschung empfehlen wird folgende Kursebelegung:

The diagram shown is to be regarded as a recommendation; in principle, all modules offered by the Department of CCS can be selected depending on the winter or summer semester.

In the winter semester, the department generally offers the module "Data Analysis: Methods in Empirical Communication Research" for master students, as well as the specialization modules "Ethics for Data Science" and "Introduction to CCS". For the summer semester, both a specialization module "Current challenges in CCS" and a two-semester research module can be taken. The latter deals with current topics in online research using computational methods.

Furthermore, interested students who want to do their master thesis at the department can contact the staff of the department at any time and get more information here.