Welcome to the Group for Physical Chemistry / Microreaction Technology

The Physical Chemistry/ Microreaction Technology Group is concerned with the development and application of miniaturized reactors and arrangements for chemical syntheses and biological screenings. In this way, it contributes to the consistent reduction of the amount of substances, reaction volumes and biological material in research and training experiments and technical development processes. Current research focuses are:

  • the application of microfluidic segment technology to the cultivation of microorganisms, for microbiological and microtoxicological screenings and for the investigation of small multicellular systems,

  • the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles as well as polymer micro and composite particles for applications in sensor technology and catalysis.

  • In addition, microreaction techniques are used in studies of various chemical syntheses and substance characterization.

Dr. Visaveliya
Dr. Cao-Riehmer
Prof. Dr. Köhler



Lectures in the summer semester