Administration and Technology

Commercial Manager

Dipl.-Ök. Ines Geishendorf
Werner Bischoff Building
Room 1290
phone: +49 3677 69-2492
fax: +49 3677 69-1850

visitor address

Max-Planck-Ring 12 (Werner-Bischoff-Building)
98693 Ilmenau

mailing address

PO Box 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau

E-Mail to administration

our activities:

  • Budget management / projects
  • Preparation of numerical proofs of use / project accounts
  • Goods receipt, goods issue and goods return

Computer Lab

Max-Planck-Ring 12
Room 0120
98693 Ilmenau

opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 07:00 - 22:00 hrs

Mechanical workshop in the Schützenhaus

Electronics laboratory in the Newton Building