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Guideline for the promotion of research (FTI-Thüringen FORSCHUNG) - Investment in a portal-based friction stir welding system


The planned system expands the research and development possibilities at the Department of Production Engineering with a focus on the loads on the tools. Such a system makes it possible to separate loads resulting from the cyclic material flow around the tool from higher-level cyclic loads that arise in the same frequency spectrum and result from the rigidity of the system. The latter are particularly important when using a 6-axis robot system

when welding thicker sheets or higher-strength materials. Particularly with research-relevant and industrially required material combinations, lateral path deviations of the tool from the programmed welding path and non-penetration of the tool into the joining partners are often the result of low rigidity (e.g. with robot-based systems). With this investment, it will be possible to process a wide range of sheet thicknesses and to investigate the main causes of stress on the tool in a targeted manner and to understand the scaling effects (sheet thickness to tool dimensions) in order to achieve adapted and resource-saving processing.

State funding of the TU-Ilmenau

Dr. Klaus Schricker elected Vice-Chair of Commission C-XVI of the International Institute of Welding


At this year's Annual Assembly of the IIW (International Institute of Welding) in Singapore, Dr. Klaus Schricker was elected Vice-Chair of Commission C-XVI (Polymer Joining and Adhesive Technology). The new Chair is Prof. Dr. Sergio Amancio (TU Graz). The Commission C-XVI is a Working Unit within the IIW, which deals with joining of plastics and plastic-metal hybrid composites as well as adhesive technologies. The Commission is a forum and provides the space for scientific exchange and technical discussion among scientists and experts from all over the world.

With the election of Dr.-Ing. Klaus Schricker, the number of Ilmenau scientists holding chair functions in the IIW rises to three. Professor Dr.-Ing. Jean Pierre Bergmann has been Chair of Sub-Commission C-IX-NF (Behavior of Metals subjected to Welding - Non ferrous materials) since 2021, while Professor Dr.-Ing. Jorge dos Santos has been Commission Chair of Commission C-III (Resistance Welding, Solid State Welding and Allied Joining Process) for many years.

"Fellow of the IIW" Award for Jorge F. dos Santos


Professor Dr. Jorge F. dos Santos was honored with the "Fellow of the IIW" award at the 76th Annual Meeting of the International Institute of Welding. This recognizes his outstanding commitment, notable scientific contributions to welding technology, as well as his promotion and support of the professional reputation of the field. We extend our sincere congratulations!

Professor Dr. Jorge F. dos Santos is Honorary Professor for solid state joining processes at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Ilmenau University of Technology. His professional activities include leading positions at Helmholtz Center Hereon and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Energy in the field of solid state joining processes.

For more information, please see the following link to the 2023 IIW Awards.

Symposium "Productive Teaming" at the Hanover Fair


On April 21, 2023, the CHIM research and innovation network will host a panel discussion on "Productive Teaming" at the Hannover Messe. From 09:30 to 10:30, researchers from Chemnitz University of Technology, OVGU Magdeburg, Ilmenau University of Technology, the Fraunhofer IFF and the Digital Agency Saxony will jointly discuss what one can imagine by "Productive Teaming" and in which areas it could be used. In a moderated panel, questions such as "How does Productive Teaming benefit companies, employees and society?" and "How can Productive Teaming influence and shape the industry of the future?" will be discussed.

Further information and a recording of the event can be found on the Hannovermesse website.

Professor Bergmann admitted to the Academy of Science and Engineering


The German Academy of Science and Engineering has expanded the circle of its members and admitted Professor Bergmann, head of the Production Technology Group at Ilmenau Technical University. With this election, acatech recognizes relevant scientific work and invites members as experts to contribute their competencies to advising politics and society.

The 36 new members in total, from engineering, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, are involved in interdisciplinary working groups. With their expertise, they advise policymakers and society on issues relating to the future of technology science and technology policy. They also support the transfer of knowledge between science and industry and promote the next generation of scientists.

For more information, visit the website of the German Academy of Science and Engineering.

Cross-national research cooperation


Small and medium-sized enterprises shape the economic landscape of Thuringia. Their advantage over large companies is their high flexibility and reaction speed. In order to be able to cope with high order volumes, manufacturing companies have joined forces to form a "Peer-2-Peer" production network as part of a research project at Ilmenau University of Technology.

Within the network, the SMEs can share free capacities with each other if necessary - and without intermediaries, such as marketplaces, which would cost extra commission. In addition, the support provided by the university's scientific staff enables a completely new approach: the reservation of capacities despite fuzzy order data. This means that even products that are still in the development phase can already be scheduled into the production process. The further product development progresses, the more precisely it is planned. Arbitrary and far too long kept free machine capacities is thus avoided.

The research project and its initial successes did not go unnoticed. Employees of the Brno University of Technology met with the staff of the Ilmenau University of Technology on 26.08.2020 to discuss the realization of such production networks. Participation in business networks currently requires a high level of digitalization of SMEs. However, many companies have problems with achieving these standards, because digitization often first requires the use of financial and human resources.

German and Czech company representatives, together with the TU Brno and the TU Ilmenau, have now discussed a new research approach that should lower the entry barriers for participation in production networks and accelerate the emergence of collaborations. In this way, such peer-2-peer networks could even be realized across countries in the future.

The TU Ilmenau is looking forward to the future cooperation with the TU Brno and hopes for fast, practical impulses from the joint research.

Scientist of TU Ilmenau awarded Henry Granjon Prize


Dr. Klaus Schricker, a research associate at the Production Technology Group at TU Ilmenau, has been awarded the Henry Granjon Prize. The most important young talent award in the field of joining technology is presented annually by the International Institute of Welding (IIW) in four categories. Dr. Schricker was honored for his paper "Effect of Thermoplastic Morphology on Mechanical Properties in Laser-Assisted Joining of Polyamide 6 with Aluminum" in the category "Materials Behavior and Weldability".

In his paper, Dr. Schricker illuminates the interplay of process control, material behavior and resulting mechanical composite properties for laser-based joining of plastic-metal mixed joints. The process investigated allows direct joining of plastics with metals with complete elimination of adhesives and mechanical joining elements. The technology therefore offers great potential for the industrial production of hybrid material combinations of plastic and metal, which is becoming increasingly important due to lightweight construction, the growing need for resource-efficient manufacturing processes and the possibility of recycling.

Dr. Schricker conducted the research as part of his dissertation, "Characterization of the joining zone of laser-based joined hybrid composites of semi-crystalline thermoplastics and metals," at the Production Technology Group under the supervision of Professor Dr. Jean Pierre Bergmann: "The awarded prize highlights the importance of the work of Klaus Schricker and the TU Ilmenau in this field. By developing the process from the fundamentals to application-relevant issues, Dr. Schricker is making a significant contribution to the industrial use of the process," said Prof. Bergmann.

The Department of Production Technology at TU Ilmenau has been active in research and teaching for more than 60 years. During this time, the scientists of the department have actively shaped the change in production. Today, the focus of the department is on solid state joining, laser material processing, arc welding technology, additive manufacturing and machining. The research focus is on materials and process engineering studies of metals, mixed metallic compounds, hybrid composites and plastics.