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Project goal

Archiving and utilization of the online communication of the TU Ilmenau, through

  • Evaluation of the communication channels used,

  • archiving of channels worthy of archiving as well as

  • online presentation of the web archive.


Dr. Anja Kürbis

Content support and further development

Maximilian Gagewi

Technical support and further development


+49 3677 69-1715

Project Team

Dr. Anja Kürbis (University Archive)

Maximilian Gagewi (University Library)

Project duration

since 2019

01.2019 start with announcement of the web relaunch

02.2020 first crawl of the domain "".

09.2021 Interim presentation of the archived websites in the intranet of the TU Ilmenau

05.2023 launch of the web archives of the TU Ilmenau


Network resources, such as the web presence of the Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau), have long since established themselves as a central medium of public communication. They serve to provide information, to communicate services and to present themselves for the purpose of transparency and advertising. In view of these functions, these network resources are coming into the focus of libraries and archives, which are striving to preserve and provide access to these valuable information resources.

The Ilmenau University Archives has been securing the web presence of the Technische Universität Ilmenau since 2019. Due to the current information presented there on structure, study programs, research projects and personnel, etc., and the self-images and images of others communicated therein, the archive attributes to it a high source value for cultural-historical research as well as for current issues, which requires regular securing of the web presence and its permanent archiving. The goals of this web archiving are to preserve and make usable the network resources as well as to relieve the current web presence of outdated information.



You will find information on how to use the web archives under the fold-out indents. The archived web resources are displayed using the open source tool "PyWB" and the search with the tool "SolrWayback".