TU Ilmenau/AnLi Fotografie

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Strassburger

Visiting address:

Max-Planck-Ring 12 (Werner-Bischoff-Bau); Room F1120
D-98693 Ilmenau

Postal address:

Postfach 100 565
D-98684 Ilmenau


+49 (0) 3677 69-4051

Office hours

Within the lecture period, you can typically meet me in my office without an appointment on Wednesdays between 2:00 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. Otherwise please contact me by email for an appointment. I am also available for personal consultations (Skype, Webex, phone).

Entries in citation databases

Google Scholar

Research Gate

ACM Digital Library

Research Topics

  • Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory
  • Interoperability standards
  • Simulation methods (world views, hybrid simulation, model generation)
  • Distributed simulation and the High Level Architecture (HLA)
  • Digital twin, online simulation and simulation-based control centers


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation (ASIM) within Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
  • Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS)
  • Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO)
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • ACM - Special Interest Group on Simulation and Modeling (ACM SIGSIM)


Expertise as Referee

Academic Self-Government

  • Member of the Certification and Accreditation Commission (ZAK) (since 2020)
  • Vice Dean of the Department of Economic Sciences and Media (2016-2017)
  • Head of the Study Program Commission for Information Systems (2011-2016)
  • Deputy director of the Institute of Automotive and Production Engineering (2011-2014)
  • Examination board for information systems - member (2008-2016) and head (2008-2012)
  • Quality management representative of the Department of Economic Sciences and Media (2007-2011)
  • Member of the Senate Committee for University Development and Quality Assurance (2008-2011)

Work Experience and Education

  • seit 08/2018: Full professor at TU Ilmenau, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Head of the Group for Information Technology in Production and Logistics
  • 04/2007-07/2018: Full professor at TU Ilmenau, Department of Economic Sciences and Media, Head of the Group for Industrial Information Systems
  • 2003-2007: Head of Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation, Department of Virtual Development, Magdeburg
  • 2001-2003: Research Associate, DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology, Department for Product, Process and Resource Integration, Ulm, Germany
  • 11-12/1999: Research stay at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
  • 1998-2001: Research Assistant, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Department of Computer Science, Institute for Simulation and Graphics
  • 1995-1996: Study abroad, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, USA, sponsored by DAAD scholarship
  • 1992-1998: Study of Computer Science, Minor in Business Administration, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Department of Computer Science

List of publications (since 2007 - only works according to the university bibliography of the TU Ilmenau)

Congress volume, monograph
Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 6
Created on: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:34:00 +0200 in 0.0215 sec

Book and journal articles
Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 13
Created on: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:34:00 +0200 in 0.0244 sec

Conference papers
Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 82
Created on: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:34:02 +0200 in 0.5994 sec

Bergmann, Sören; Stelzer, Sören; Straßburger, Steffen;
A new web based method for distribution of simulation experiments based on the CMSD standard. - In: Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), ISBN 978-1-4673-4779-2, (2012), insges. 12 S.

This article introduces a novel methodology for web based distribution of simulation experiments. The approach is related to themes such as web based applications, cloud computing or applications as a service, which have been recurring topics in scientific papers for years. The methodology is based on automatic model generation, initialization, and result analysis under usage of the CMSD standard. All user interactions are performed in web based user interfaces. Of special importance is that different simulations tools can be used in parallel without any additional effort. Furthermore the simulation tool actually used is transparent to the user. The applicability of our methodology is demonstrated for different production scenarios.

Bergmann, Sören; Stelzer, Sören; Wüstemann, Sascha; Straßburger, Steffen
Model generation in SLX using CMSD and XML stylesheet transformations. - In: Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), ISBN 978-1-4673-4779-2, (2012), insges. 11 S.

This article introduces a novel methodology for automatic simulation model generation. The methodology is based on the usage of XML stylesheet transformations for generating the actual source code of the target simulation system. It is therefore especially well-suited for all language-based simulation systems. The prerequisite for using the methodology is an appropriate representation of the system under investigation in the Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CSMD) format. The applicability of our methodology is demonstrated for the simulation language SLX as well as for the visualization system Proof Animation.

Meyer, Torben; Straßburger, Steffen;
Using protocol state machines to support simulation-based emulation projects. - In: Modelling and Simulation 2012, (2012), S. 234-238

Emulation is used to offer a simulated material flow system for the process of control software development and commissioning. The integration of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) with an emulation model is an error prone process and involves multiple stakeholders, including emulation engineers and control engineers. Typically, there is no complete formal description of the interface communication between the MES and the emulation model. This article suggests the use of protocol state machines to firstly formally describe the interface communication and secondly analyze emulation experiments based on the log files of the involved systems. The article further presents a case study and a prototype which have successfully applied the concept of protocol state machines.

Stelzer, Sören; Bergmann, Sören; Bergmann, Sören *1979-*; Straßburger, Steffen;
Generation of alternatives for model predictive control in manufacturing. - In: I3M 2012 conference proceedings, (2012), S. 7-16

Manufacturing systems are dynamic systems which are influenced by various disturbances or frequently changing customer requests. A continuous process of decision making is required. Model Predictive Control is a common model-based approach for control but needs adaption to be applicable to discrete-event simulation. In this paper we introduce an approach to model and generate non trivial control options and decisions often made in the operation of manufacturing systems. We also show how complex scenarios can be generated. To support a wide-range of applications our approach is based on the core manufacturing simulation data (CMSD) information model. We implement the design and generation of complex scenarios by processing and combining modeled control options. By using our approach, which also applicable to decision support systems, we can enable model-based closed-loop control based on a symbiotic simulation system and automated model generation and initialization.

Meyer, Torben; Straßburger, Steffen;
Facilitating emulation project analysis through the use of protocol state machines. - In: WSC '12 goes Europe!, (2012), insges. 2 S.

Emulation is a well-established technology which supports the software development and the commissioning phase of control systems by connecting the real control system with a simulated material flow system. This article suggests the use of protocol state machines to firstly formally describe the interface communication and secondly analyze emulation experiments.

Straßburger, Steffen; Taylor, Simon J. E.
A comparison of the CSPI and CMSD standards. - In: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2012 (2012 Spring SIW), (2012), S. 82-89

The SISO standards SISO-STD-006-2010 and SISO-STD-008-2010 are two standards focusing on the interoperability requirements of the manufacturing and logistics domains. In these domains, simulation studies are mostly performed using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Simulation Packages (CSPs), such as Arena™, Anylogic™, Flexsim™, Plant Simulation™, Simul8™, SLX™, Witness™, etc. As both standards seem to address similar problems, namely interoperability issues when using such CSPs, we investigate the specific strengths of each of these standards and derive recommendations for their usage. In specific, we illustrate how the standard for Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Simulation Package Interoperability (CSPI) Reference Models (SISO-STD-006-2010) can facilitate interoperability between different CSPs. A use case from the commercial vehicle sector is presented in support of this discussion. Further, we illustrate how the standard for Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (SISO-STD-008-2010) can be used to exchange data between other information systems in manufacturing and CSPs. We outline a use case in which CMSD is used as the basis for simulation model generation in Plant Simulation. We also discuss the usage of CMSD to carry model initialization data and its potential to exchange data between different CSPs.

Wack, Karl-Josef; Riegmann, Tobias; Straßburger, Steffen; Guenther, Ulrich
Virtuelle Produktionsabsicherung am Beispiel Montage Powertrain. - In: Digitales Engineering und virtuelle Techniken zum Planen, Testen und Betreiben technischer Systeme, (2011), S. 111-119

Die Automobilindustrie ist derzeit weltweit mit einer steigenden Nachfrage und wachsenden Absatzmärkten konfrontiert. Die zusätzlich turbulente Marktlage führt zu einem Konkurrenzkampf um wichtige Marktanteile zwischen den Automobilherstellern, welche sich mehr denn je in einem Spannungsfeld aus den Faktoren Qualität, Produktivität und Kosten bewegen. Der sich daraus ergebende Wettbewerb hat kürzere Innovations- und Produktlebenszyklen zur Folge. Die Anforderungen der Kunden unterscheiden sich zusätzlich von Markt zu Markt immer mehr - und führen folgend zu einer steigenden Variantenanzahl. Die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Serienanläufe pro Jahr hat sich beispielsweise bei dem deutschen Automobilhersteller Daimler AG in den letzten 20 Jahren mehr als verdreifacht. Empirische Studien zeigen zudem, dass ein Großteil der notwendigen Änderungsmaßnahmen erst ab der Nullserienphase und somit nach Erstellung von Serienwerkzeugen bzw. während der Phase des Serienanlaufs durchgeführt wird. Effiziente Produktionsanläufe gewinnen somit zunehmend an Bedeutung. Der Einsatz von digitalen Methoden und Softwarewerkzeugen entlang des Produktentstehungsprozesses macht es bereits möglich, einen Großteil der Anlaufvorgänge im Vorfeld digital abzusichern. Im Folgenden wird ein Workflow zur virtuellen Produktionsabsicherung dargestellt und dessen Anwendung im Aggregatebereich bei Daimler Truck erläutert.

Bergmann, Sören; Stelzer, Sören; Straßburger, Steffen;
Initialization of simulation models using CMSD. - In: Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, (2011), S. 2228-2239

In the context of online- and symbiotic simulation, the precise initialization of simulation models based on the state of the physical system is a fundamental requirement. In these simulations, the simulation model typically serves as an operational decision support tool. Obviously, it can therefore not start empty and idle. The accurate capturing of initial conditions is fundamental for the quality of the model based predictions. In literature, it is only generally stated that the simulation model must maintain a close connection with the physical system. Our work systematically investigates which data from the physical system is needed for initialization, how it shall be transferred into the simulation model in a standardized way, and which potential problems must be solved in the simulation system to adequately initialize its model elements. We present a solution based on the core manufacturing simulation data (CMSD) standard, suggest necessary extensions and demonstrate a prototypical implementation.

Taylor, Simon J. E.; Ghorbani, Mohammadmersad; Kiss, Tamas; Farkas, Daniel; Mustafee, Navonil; Kite, Shane; Turner, Stephen J.; Straßburger, Steffen
Distributed computing and modeling & simulation: speeding up simulations and creating large models. - In: Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, (2011), S. 161-175

Distributed computing has many opportunities for Modeling and Simulation (M&S). Grid computing approaches have been developed that can use multiple computers to reduce the processing time of an application. In terms of M&S this means simulations can be run very quickly by distributing individual runs over locally or remotely available computing resources. Distributed simulation techniques allow us to link together models over a network enabling the creation of large models and/or models that could not be developed due to data sharing or model reuse problems. Using real-world examples, this advanced tutorial discusses how both approaches can be used to benefit M&S researchers and practitioners alike.

Bergmann, Sören; Stelzer, Sören; Straßburger, Steffen;
Automatische Generierung und Initialisierung von Simulationsmodellen unter Verwendung des Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) Information Model. - In: Nachhaltigkeit in Fabrikplanung und Fabrikbetrieb, (2011), S. 323-331

Simulation hat sich in vielen Anwendungsbereichen innerhalb produzierender Unternehmen zu einem nicht mehr weg zu denkenden Werkzeug zur Entscheidungsfindung bzw. -unterstützung für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften entwickelt. Allerdings führt die Erstellung und Integration von Simulationsmodellen sowie deren Nutzung immer noch zu erheblichen Kosten für Unternehmen. Seit geraumer Zeit werden Ansätze verfolgt, die ermöglichen sollen, Modelle effizienter zu erstellen und zu nutzen, aber erst die konsequente Nutzung eines Standards zur Datenmodellierung und zum Datenaustausch ermöglicht eine breitere Nutzung solcher Ansätze. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass CMSD ein geeigneter Standard sowohl für die Erstellung von Simulationsmodellen als auch für deren Initialisierung ist.