Newest publications:
Eugster, B., Arlt, D., & Schmidt, F. (2022). The relationship between differential media exposure and attitudes towards Muslims and Islam and the potential consequences on voting intention towards banning veiling in public. Communications.
De Silva-Schmidt, F., Brüggemann, M., Hoppe, I., & Arlt, D. (2022). Learning about climate politics during COP 21: Explaining a diminishing knowledge gap. Public Understanding of Science.
De Silva-Schmidt, F., Brüggemann, M., Hoppe, I., & Arlt, D. (2022). Learning about climate politics during COP 21: Explaining a diminishing knowledge gap. Public Understanding of Science.
Arlt, D., Schaller, S. & Wolling, J. (2022): Die Energiewende aus Sicht der Bevölkerung. Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Befragung im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl 2021. Ilmenau. URL:;
Arlt, D. (2021). Banning burkas and niqabs? Exploring perceptions of bias in media coverage of Islam and Muslims in Switzerland and their relation to people’s voting intention concerning the burka-initiative. Studies in Communication Sciences, 21(1), 9-25.
Schmidt, F., Eugster, B., & Arlt, D. (2021). Varieties of Populist Attitudes and Their Link to Islamophobia in Switzerland. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33 (4), 873-890.
Fawzi, N., Steindl, N., Obermaier, M., Prochazka, F., Arlt, D., Blöbaum, B., . . . Ziegele, M. (2021). Concepts, causes and consequences of trust in news media – a literature review and framework. Annals of the International Communication Association, 1-21.
Wolling, J., Kuhlmann, C., Schumann, C., Berger, P., & Arlt, D. (2021). Corona 2020 – Zerreißprobe für die Gesellschaft? Persönliches Erleben und mediale Vermittlung einer multiplen Krise.
Here you can find my complete list of publications and presentations