Schaller, S., Schumann, C., & Arlt, D. (2024, accepted). Mental distress during times of public health crises: The role of media experiences. Annual conference of DGPuK-Interest Group Health Communication, November 20-22, Lucerne, Switzerland
Schaller, S., Schumann, C., & Wolling, J. (2024, accepted). Gamification as a tool of science communication about complex energy issues? Results of an intervention study testing the effects of a museum exhibition about the energy-transition and an integrated game. 10th European Communicaton Conference (ECREA), September 24-27, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Schaller, S., Arlt, D., & Schumann, C. (2024). Dynamic relations between negative news media experiences and mental health. Hybrid Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, June 20-24 , Gold Coast, Australia
Wiedicke, A., Schaller, S., & Reifegerste, D. (2024). Entstigmatisierung von Depressionen durch soziale Medien? Verantwortungsattribution, soziale Akzeptanz & die Rolle der Instagram-Nutzung. Annual conference of DGPuK, March 13-15, University of Erfurt, Germany
Schaller, S. (2023). Who experiences mental harm during crisis? Advices for media communication with vulnerable groups. European Conference on Health Communication, November 15-17, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Schaller, S. (2023). Entstigmatisierung durch Medien?! - Chancen und Herausforderungen medialer Kommunikation über Suchterkrankungen. 44th Fdr Suchtkongress, May 22-23, Weimar, Germany
Schaller, S. (2022). Die Rolle des medialen Erlebens der Corona-Krise für die psychische Gesundheit: Ergebnisse einer Panelbefragung aus dem zweiten Pandemie-Jahr. Annual conference of DGPuK-Interest Group Health Communication, November 16-18,University of Bielefeld, Germany
Wiedicke, A., Reifegerste, D., Schaller, S., Sandrock, J. & Temmann, L. J. (2022). Verbale und visuelle Darstellung von Depressionen durch Gesundheitsinfluencer*innen auf Instagram. Ein mehrmethodischer Ansatz. Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Methoden, October 5-7, LMU Munich, Germany