Kathrin Schleicher studied Media Studies at Friedrich Schiller University Jena from 2001 to 2008, with minors in Sociology and German Studies.
She was employed as a research assistant at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at TU Ilmenau from 2009 to 2019. From 2009-2012, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Martin Löffelholz, she was involved in a DFG-funded research project ("Military Media Relations. The Relations of the German Armed Forces and the U.S. Armed Forces with the Media: A Comparative Analysis of Military Communications Management since 1990."). Together with Dr. Andreas Schwarz, Dr. Liane Rothenberger, and Alice Srugies, she also worked from 2013-2015 on a project dealing with crisis communication of youth welfare offices ("Professional Communication in the Context of Crises: Analysis and Improvement of Crisis Management of Youth Welfare Offices in Germany"). And from 2017-2018, she was involved in the research project "Entrepreneurship Education Monitor for MINT Study Programs in Eastern Germany", led by Dr. Britta Gossel and Prof. Dr. Andreas Will.
Currently, she is working together with Prof. Dr. Martin Löffelholz and Johanna Radechovsky in a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research ("MIRKKOMM - Multimodality in Risk and Crisis Communication").
Her research interests are organizational communication, political communication and crisis communication. Thus, in the context of her dissertation thesis, she is engaged in the analysis of the scientific debate in the research field of war communication. (to the disserartion topic)