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Rasem, Bernd; Sarısakalo&bovko;glu, Aynur
Journalismus als System organisierten Handelns. - In: Handbuch Journalismustheorien, (2024), S. 1-11
Living reference work entry

Wie lassen sich Redaktionsstrukturen in Medienorganisationen beschreiben? Welchen Einfluss haben die Medienorganisation und ihre Struktur auf die journalistische Arbeit? Antworten liefern sozialintegrative Theoriemodelle, wobei die Strukturationstheorie nach Anthony Giddens (1986) dabei eine besondere Stellung einnimmt, indem journalistische Organisationen als Systeme organisierten Handelns konzipiert werden, um die rekursiven Beziehungen zwischen handelnden Journalist:innen und Organisationen im gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu erkunden und strukturelle Wandlungsprozesse im Journalismus zu beschreiben. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der Strukturationstheorie anhand exemplarischer Anwendungsfelder ihre Integration in die Journalismusforschung zu verdeutlichen. Abschließend werden die Potenziale der Strukturationstheorie und theoretische Herausforderungen für die journalismusbezogene Forschung aufgezeigt.
Sarısakalo&bovko;glu, Aynur;
[Rezension von: Schlüsselwerke der Journalismusforschung]. - In: Publizistik. - Wiesbaden : VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2000- , ISSN: 1862-2569 , ZDB-ID: 2273951-8, ISSN 1862-2569, Bd. 69 (2024), 1, S. 107-109
Xu, Yi; Yu, Jingyuan; Löffelholz, Martin
Portraying the Pandemic: analysis of textual-visual frames in German news coverage of COVID-19 on Twitter. - In: Journalism practice, ISSN 1751-2794, Bd. 18 (2024), 4, S. 858-878

The novel coronavirus disease (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) resulted in a severe global pandemic in 2020. Amid the unprecedented health crisis, visuals play important roles in media framing and health crisis communication. This article provides one of the first analyses of textual-visual news concerning COVID-19 posted by two leading German newspapers on Twitter. Our objective is to integrate texts and visuals into framing analysis to better understand the multimodal news presentation of health crises. A quantitative content analysis of 2479 tweets examined nine news frames, among which politics and instructions, update information, economic impact and social impact presented more thematic salience. The semiotic signs of indexical, symbolic and iconic appeared in news visuals and served evidential, performative and illustrative functions. The results also detected recurrent news visuals in the color-clustered patterns. Notably, an alluvial diagram revealed the connections between textual frames and visual signs across three crisis phases. In recognizing the diverse roles of visuals in constructing mediated reality, this article demonstrates the value in the multimodal framing of health crises and suggests expanding our focus to risk cultures for future international comparative research.
Radechovsky, Johanna;
Fake or fact? : factors predicting the capability of recipients to assess the truthfulness of impactful news. - In: International journal of communication, ISSN 1932-8036, Bd. 17 (2023), S. 6633-6654

Susceptibility to mis- and disinformation constitutes a risk for democracy. Research is needed on how well recipients assess the veracity of news and how their assessments are affected. Using quantitative data from a representative survey for Germany, I determined which features predict susceptibility to misinformation. Regression models show which aspects facilitate misperception and which competencies should be promoted to enhance resilience. The respondents tended to be biased and prone to misperceptions about the topics integrated into the study that surrounded the environment, sustainability, and international affairs. The article recommends media literacy programs to address the challenges of misperception.
Löffelholz, Martin; Schleicher, Kathrin; Radechovsky, Johanna
Mehr Dialog statt kommunikativem Missmananagement : erste Befunde einer Analyse staatlicher Krisenkommunikation während der Corona-Pandemie. - In: Notfallvorsorge, ISSN 0948-7913, Bd. 54 (2023), 1, S. 30-36

Sarısakalo&bovko;glu, Aynur;
Virtuelle Realität im Journalismus : Potenziale und Herausforderungen der partizipativ-immersiven Dimension der Berichterstattung. - In: Communicatio socialis, ISSN 2198-3852, Bd. 56 (2023), 4, S. 460-470

Die Einführung von virtueller Realität (VR) im Journalismus eröffnet eine partizipativ-immersive Dimension der Berichterstattung. Als eine interaktive Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Maschine ermöglichen VR-Technologien durch die Simulation menschlicher Sinneswahrnehmungen das Eintauchen der Rezipient:innen in synthetisch dargestellte journalistische Ereignisse. Der Beitrag bietet hierzu eine Einführung in den immersiven Journalismus, gefolgt von einer Analyse der Potenziale und Herausforderungen für die Nachrichtenproduktion und -rezeption. Es werden exemplarisch Denkanstöße zur Reflexion medienethischer Dimensionen der immersiven Berichterstattung angeregt und Schlussfolgerungen formuliert.
Tribusean, Irina;
Virtual reality in cross-border journalism. - In: The Palgrave handbook of cross-border journalism, (2023), S. 553-565

Virtual Reality (VR) is a trend in journalism since 2015, and even though it became popular fast, there is still a lot of experimental and exploratory work going on, both in practice and in research. This chapter starts with relevant and necessary definitions for key concepts and aims at analyzing the opportunities VR brings to cross-border journalism. Based on an unsystematic analysis of some VR journalism productions and discussions with several professionals, the chapter answers the following questions: What is the added-value of VR in cross-border journalism and which borders can be crossed using this technology (e.g., geographical, psychological, professional)?
Xu, Yi;
Cross-border journalism and public diplomacy. - In: The Palgrave handbook of cross-border journalism, (2023), S. 251-266

This chapter approaches cross-border journalism (CBJ) from the perspective of public diplomacy (PD). After an overview of the theoretical foundations of PD and its development in various regions of the world, the author outlines three perspectives in which public diplomacy deals with the content of cross-border journalism: (1) reactive presentation of national visibility and image, (2) proactive instruments such as international broadcasting and advocacy events to influence perceptions and create dialogues in foreign countries, and (3) a hybrid system with multidirectional information flow, social networks, and international collaborations. In conclusion, public diplomacy is increasingly taking advantage of the structural transformation of public sphere, although public diplomacy actors and media still need to strategically deal with controversies such as objectivity, inadequate dialogic communication, and legitimacy narratives.
Löffelholz, Martin; Rothenberger, Liane; Weaver, David H.
Cross-border journalism research and practice: an introduction. - In: The Palgrave handbook of cross-border journalism, (2023), S. 1-15

This introduction sets out the rationale of the Handbook, which provides a research-oriented overview of relevant theoretical and methodological approaches to the representation and analysis of cross-border journalism. In doing so, the editors first elaborate the history and development of cross-border journalism, enumerate various terms and concepts, and emphasize the relevance of the topic. The introduction then provides a synopsis of the Handbook’s six sections and 38 chapters, with brief summaries describing what each chapter focuses on and whether it takes more of a conceptual, empirical, or practical standpoint.
Estella, Pauline Gidget;
Cross-border journalism and de-Westernization. - In: The Palgrave handbook of cross-border journalism, (2023), S. 67-81

Cross-border journalism (CBJ) has evolved from foreign correspondence, its dominant form for decades, to other forms like international advocacy journalism and global collaborative investigations, driven largely by the rapid development of technologies. Amid all this talk on an increasingly connected world, and on CBJ as part of the future of journalism, it is necessary to reflect: Is CBJ as described in European-North American literature really the reality for the rest of the world? How is current scholarship able to take stock of CBJ beyond the so-called mainstream West? This chapter looks at CBJ under the lens of critical de-Westernization by describing the realities of CBJ practice and research beyond the West, as well as the methodological and theoretical considerations in decentering knowledge production.

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