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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Strehle
Head of Group
Microsystems Technology Group
Am Helmholtzring 12 (Werner-Bischoff-Bau room 3110)
98693 Ilmenau
Phone: +49 3677 69-2485
Fax: +49 3677 69-1801
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Reuter C, Ecke G, Strehle S (2023). "Exploring the Surface Oxidation and Environmental Instability of 2H-/1T’-MoTe2 Using Field Emission-Based Scanning Probe Lithography", Advanced Materials,
Shmagun V, Fröhlich T, Kissinger T (2023). "Periodic nonlinearities of the fiber interferometric sensor in comparison to commercial homodyne interferometer", NanoScale 2023, Helsinki Finnland, 09.10.-13.10.2023
Stauffenberg J, Belkner J, Ruprecht J, Ortlepp I, Manske E (2023). "Tip-based nanofabrication and nanometrology in combination with a planar nanopositioning machine (NFM-100)", 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) 04.09. - 08.09.2023
Shmagun V, Gerhardt U, Manske E, Fröhlich T, Kissinger T (2023). "Resolution enhancement in Fabry-Perot interferometers through evaluation of multiple reflection using range-resolved interferometry", 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) 04.09. - 08.09.2023
Wittke M, Torres Melgarejo MA, Darnieder M,Theska R (2023). "Investigation of a novel stiffness-compensated mechanism for high-precision load cells", 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) 04.09. - 08.09.2023
Hebenstreit R, Theska R (2023). "Calibration of positioning microsystems with subatomic accuracy", 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) 04.09. - 08.09.2023
Wolf M, Wittke M, Torres Melgarejo MA, Theska R (2023). "Scaling of a compliant mechanism for high-precision force measurement applications", 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) 04.09. - 08.09.2023
Hahm C, Erbe T, Theska R (2023). "Cement-bound mineral casted parts in precision engineering", 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) 04.09. - 08.09.2023
Belkner J, Stauffenberg J, Döll J, Koppka C, Breiter M, Ortlepp I, Gerhardt U, Manske E (2023). "High frequent, low noise and robust differential confocal microscopy on a Nano Positioning Machine", 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) 04.09. - 08.09.2023
Huaman A, Reger J (2023). "Robust Adaptive Tracking Control of a 3D Vertical Motion Systems for Nanometer Precesion Applications", IFAC2023 Yokohama, Japan 08.07.2023 - 16.07.2023
Stauffenberg J, Reibe M, Krötschl A, Reuter C, Ortlepp I, Dontsov D, Hesse S, Rangelow I W, Strehle S, Manske E (2023). "Tip-based nanofabrication below 40 nm combined with a nanopositioning machine with a movement range of ⌀100 mm", Micro and Nano Engineering, Vol. 19, June 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.mne.2023.100201
Wittke M, Torres Melgarejo MA, Darnieder M,Theska R (2023). "Modeling of very thin flexure hinges considering surface
topography", EUSPEN: 23rd International Conference & Exihibition, Kopenhagen, 08.06.-16.06.2023
Hebenstreit R, Oertel E, Thier D, Manske E, Theska R (2023). "Investigating the kinematic performance of a positioning device with subatomic resolution" EUSPEN: 23rd International Conference & Exihibition, Kopenhagen, 08.06.-16.06.2023
Weigert F (2023). "Highly reproducible force application for a tool-changing system in nanofabrication machines", EUSPEN: 23rd International Conference & Exihibition, Kopenhagen, 08.06.-16.06.2023
Belkner J, Stauffenberg J, Görner Tenorio C, Ortlepp I, Eberhard M (2023). "Double pass modulated differential confocal microscopy for
closed loop axial control of direct laser writing", SPIE Optical Metrology, München 26.06.-28.06.23
Schamburek T, Behrens A, Dötzer F, Sinzinger S (2023). "Deformed 2.5D whispering gallery mode microresonators – numerical investigation of free space coupling", 124. DgaO Jahrestagung Berlin, 27.05.-03.06.2023
Lukin N, Waleed M, Ahmad S, Sinzinger S (2023). "Herstellung und Design holographisch-optischer Bauelemente für optisches Rechnen",124. DgaO Jahrestagung Berlin, 27.05.-03.06.2023
Wittke M, Darnieder M, Torres Melgarejo MA, Theska R (2023). "Novel Method for Determining the Mechanical Stiffness of Weighing Cells", SMSI Konferenz Nürnberg, 08.05. -11.05.2023
Ortlepp I (2023). "Current Advances in 3D Tip and Laser based
Nanofabrication in Extended Working Areas", SMSI Konferenz Nürnberg, 08.05. -11.05.2023
Shmagun V, Kissinger T, Fröhlich T (2023). "Fiber interferometric sensor for velocity measurement in the Planck-Balance", SMSI Konferenz Nürnberg, 08.05. -11.05.2023
Weigert F, Wolf M, Theska R (2022). „Model-based determination of the reproducibility of kinematic couplings”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology / European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology International Conference & Exhibition 22. 2022 Genf. - Bedford, UK : euspen, 2022, S. 87-90
Mathew S, Lebedev S, Lebedev AA, Hähnlein B , Stauffenberg J, Manske E, Jörg P (2022). „Silicon Carbide – Graphene nano gratings on 4H and 6H semi-insulating SiC“ Materials Science Forum. ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1062, pp 170-174. doi:10.4028/p-wn4zya.
Hesse S, Katzschmann M, Huaman A S, Gorges S, Manske E (2022). "Operation and performance evaluation of vertical nanopositioners for 10 mm stroke in a 3D lift and tilt test setup", in Euspen Special Interest Group (SIG) on Precision Motion Systems & Control meeting, Brabanthallen’s-Hertogenbosch, NL, 15.11 - 16.11.22
Huaman A S, Reger J (2022). "Robust tracking control with L1 adaptive augmentation for a long-stroke vertical nanopositioning system: Part I", in 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), pp. 614-620, 2022
Huaman A S, RegerJ (2022). "Robust tracking control with L1 adaptive augmentation for a long-stroke vertical nanopositioning system: Part II", in 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), pp. 621-627, 2022
Mathew S, Narasimha S, Reiprich J, Scheler T, Hähnlein B, Thiele S, Stauffenberg J, Kurtash V, Abedin S, Manske E, Jacobs H O, Pezoldt J (2022). “Formation and Characterization of Three-Dimensional Tetrahedral MoS2 Thin Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition”,Crystal Growth & Design,
StauffenbergJ, Ortlepp I, Belkner J, Dontsov D, Langlotz E, Hesse S, Rangelow I W, Manske E (2022). „Measurement Precision of a Planar Nanopositioning Machine with a Range of Motion of Ø100 mm”, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7843,
Reuter C, Strehle S (2022). „Resistless Nanopatterning of 2D Materials by Field Electron Emission Scanning Probe Lithography“ Graphene 2022, Aachen, 04.07.-08.07.2022
Leineweber J, Meyer C, Füßl R, Theska R, Manske E (2022). “Ein neuartiges Konzept für 5D Nanopositionier-, Nanomess-,und Nanofabrikationsmaschinen”, tm – Technisches Messen 2022
Huaman A S, Gorges S, Katzschmann M, Hesse S, Fröhlich T, Manske E (2022). "Investigations on the tracking control and performance of a long stroke vertical nanopositioning drive", 22nd euspen International Conference, Geneva, CH, 30.05.-03.06.2022
Hebenstreit R, Wedrich K, Strehle S, Manske E, Theska R (2022). “First prototype of a positioning device with subatomic resolution”, euspen 22nd international conference and exhibition, Geneva, 30.05.-03.06.22, S.97-100. ISBN: 978-1-9989991-1-8
Wittke M, Wolf M, Darnieder M, Weigert F, Gerlach E, Zimmermann K, Theska R (2022).” Investigations on a torque-compensating adjustment drive for mechanically sensitive devices.”. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen), May 30th – June 3rd 2022. Genf, Schweiz, ISBN: 978-1-9989991-1-8
Wittke M, Torres Melgarejo M, Theska R (2022). „Concept of a monolithic stiffness-compensated mechanism for high-resolution force sensors”, 21. IGT/GMA Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 10.05.-11.05.22, S.461-464. ISBN: 978-3-8007-5835-7
Ortlepp I, Stauffenberg J, Krötschl A, Dontsov D, Zöllner J-P, Hesse S, Reuter C, Strehle S, Fröhlich T, Rangelow I W, Manske E (2022). "Nanofabrication and -metrology by using the nanofabrication machine (NFM-100)", Proc. SPIE 12054, Novel Patterning Technologies 2022, 120540A (25 May 2022);
Belkner J, Stauffenberg J, Häcker A-V, Ortlepp I, Manske E (2022). „Amplituden- und Phasenmodulation in der Lock-In gefilterten differentiellen konfokalen Profilometrie“, ITG-Fb. 303: Sensoren und Messsysteme / VDE Verlag. - Neuerscheinung. - Berlin : VDE VERLAG, S. 235-244
Seminario R, Schmitt C, Weise C, Reger J (2022). "Control of an Overactuated Nanopositioning System with Hysteresis by Means of Control Allocation," 2022 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), 2022, pp. 280-287, doi: 10.1109/AMC51637.2022.9729294
Poroskun I, Rothleitner C, Heißelmann D (2022). „Structure of digital metrological twins as software for uncertainty estimation”, J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 11, 75–82,
Hofmann M, Weidenfeller L, Supreeti S, Mechold S, Holz M, Reuter C, Sinzinger S, Manske E, Rangelow I.W.; “Mix-and-match lithography and cryogenic etching for NIL template fabrication”, Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 224, 111234 (2020)
Ortlepp I, Kühnel M, Hofmann, M, Weidenfeller, L, Kirchner, J, Supreeti, S, Mastylo, R, Holz, M, Michels T, Füßl, R, Rangelow,I, Fröhlich, T, Donstov, D, Schäffel C, Manske, E, “Tip- and Laser based nanofabrication up to 100 mm with sub-nanometer precision” in SPIE Advanced Lithography 2020, San Jose, USA (24th-27th February 2020)
Fern F; Füßl R; Eichfelder G; Manske E; Kühnel M: "Coordinate transformation and its uncertainty under consideration of a non orthogonal coordinate base" In: Measurement Science and Technology, 2020
Nilsen M, Dannberg O, Fröhlich T, Strehle S: "Direct polymer microcantilever fabrication from free-standing dry film photoresists" In: J. Micromech. Microeng.30 (2020) 095012
Fischer D, Sinzinger S: "Evaluation of quadratic phase hologram calculation algorithms in the Fourier regime" Appl. Opt. 59, pp. 1501–1506 (2020).
Kapp D, Weise C, Ruderman M, and Reger J: "Fractional-Order System Identification of Viscoelastic Behavior: A Frequency Domain Based Experimental Study", In Advanced Motion Control, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/AMC44022.2020.9244449