"TU Ilmenau Bürgercampus"

Our next lecture

Friday, September 27, 2024, 3:00 p.m., Faraday lecture hall (Weimarer Straße 32)Prof. Dr. Lothar Spieß TU Ilmenau

Component screening and structure elucidation with X-rays

In technical radiography, bremsstrahlung with energies up to 7 MeV is used (medicine max. 150 keV). This allows very large components, such as vehicles or airplanes, to be examined. The formation of contrasts and the limits will be explained in the lecture using a champagne cork.

The X-ray spectrum still contains the characteristic radiation, only 8 keV energy. However, the intensity of this radiation component is 25 - 35 times greater than that of the Bremspectrum.

In suitable systems, this monochromatic radiation interacts with the crystal structure, the regular atomic structure. BRAGG's equation can be used to reliably measure changes in the atomic distances in the picometer range. This is 1000 times smaller than the nanometer technique, but has been practiced since 1912 (1916)! The lecture will show the examination of a horse muzzle from the Anger Museum in Erfurt.

The author has worked on research projects with various, also newly procured equipment at the Technical University of Ilmenau in the Institute of Materials Engineering since graduating in 1982 until his retirement in August 2022, gave lectures on this and compiled a textbook, which was published in several editions from 2005.

Current notes

Pre-registration for participation in events, except special events and excursions, is not required.

For further information, please contact us by e-mail atbuergercampus@tu-ilmenau.de or by telephone on 03677 69-4675 .

Further information can be found in the program booklet.


Excursion to Erfurt on 23.10.2024

Visit to medieval sites of Jewish life and the Kunsthalle Erfurt. Information on the program and registration can be found here.

Spring semester 2024

The program for the autumn semester 2024 can be found here:

>Programme of the fall semester 2024<

For further information, please contact us at the e-mail address buergercampus@tu-ilmenau.de

Preview of the spring semester 2025

The events take place in the rooms of the Georg-Schmidt-Technikum of the University of Ilmenau, Weimarer Straße, on Fridays at 15:00 (see general information - map of the TU Ilmenau).

The following dates are planned for the spring semester 2025:

28.02./ 07.03./ 14.03./ 21.03./ 28.03./ 04.04./ 11.04./ 25.04./ 09.05./ 16.05./ 23.05./ 06.06./ 13.06./ 20.06.2025


Review of previous semesters

"Will drones fall on our heads in the future?", "Artificial intelligence - public perception and risk communication" or "The digitalization wave in medical care: Claim and Reality": The range of content covered by the TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus is diverse and includes socio-political and cultural-political topics, natural sciences and humanities, technical, economic, medical, historical and cultural topics.

In the review of previous semesters you will find an overview of the events and topics of the past years.

Review of previous semesters

General information

Founded in 2006, the Senior Citizens' Academy at the Ilmenau University of Technology, now the TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus, is an open continuing education program for all interested persons from Ilmenau and the surrounding area.

General information on participation in the TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus

Responsible for the program and organization of the TU Ilmenau Bürgercampus is the Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V. in cooperation with the Ilmenau University of Technology.