Konferenzbeiträge ab 2018

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Beckert, Erik; Jetter, Michael; Müller, Jens; Hein, Matthias; Spiess, Christopher; Chowdhury, Shadia; Schreiber, Peter; Zeng, Fanhui; Engel, Lena; Zimmer, Michael; Cutuk, Ana; Supreeti, Shraddha; Stehr, Uwe; Bartsch, Heike; Kaltwasser, Mahsa; Babin, Marcus
Compact, high performant prepare-and-measure photon source based on indistinguishable VCSELs. - In: Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation IV, (2024), 129110W, S. 129110W-1-129110W-10

We present an ultra-compact, hybrid faint pulse source (FPS) at 850 nm, making use of a linear eight VCSELs array at spectral (<1 pm wavelength difference, and >90% overlap at FWHM) and temporal (<1 ps) indistinguishability, as well as polarization quality in the four H/V/D/A BB84 channels >20 dB. A common VCSEL array on a single substrate is used, at a pitch of 250 μm and with integrated polarizers, having a spectral indistinguishability if the substrate is temperature levelled < 0.5 K. Each VCSEL represents either faint or full amplitude signal for the H/V/D/A channels of the BB84 protocol. The temperature levelling heatsink is made of Molybdenium, integrated on LTCC board to host the emitter substrate and its respective DAC driving circuit at speeds up to 10 GHz. VCSEL integrated micro-lenses and two additional micro-lens arrays fully collimate the beams and refocus them into a waveguide combiner chip which realizes the polarization independent coupling of all eight VCSEL free-space beams with a pulse delay variation <0.2 ps.

Khan, Aamir Ullah; Chaudhury, Nandan Dutta; Shah, Syed Najaf Haider; Schneider, Christian; Robert, Jörg
Impact of antenna position and radiation patterns on target detection in a highway environment utilizing ICAS extended model. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), S. 140-147

In this paper, we explore the impact of different antenna positions and radiation patterns on the channel per-formance of an Integrated Communication and Sensing (ICAS) extended model in a highway environment. We have considered a 3-dB omnidirectional Transmitter (Tx) and a directive Receiver (Rx) for our analysis. The antenna radiation patterns of patch and horn antennas are used for the directive receiver. In our system, we have considered three different setups. In the first setup, Rx has a directive antenna (either horn or patch) installed on the car's front bumper. In the second setup, the directive antenna is installed on the car's back bumper. For the third setup, the radiation patterns for the front and back bumper of the car are combined, thus giving rise to Combined Gain Pattern (CGP). The channel responses for the front and back bumper-placed antenna setups are evaluated and compared with the respective CGP setup channel response. The performance of an I CAS system depends on the successful detection of targets. We have considered two types of scatterers in our system. The moving vehicles on the road represent Dynamic Targets (DT) whereas, stationary point reflection sources along the sides of the highway represent Diffuse (DI) scattering components. We have shown in our results that the CGP setup outperforms the front and back bumper-located antenna setups in terms of channel magnitude and accurate target detection capabilities. Moreover, CGP setup helps in modeling the environment better as compared to front and back-bumper installed setups. The horn antenna setup results in superior performance in contrast to the patch antenna setup due to its high directivity.

Wang, Han; Zhou, Yiming; Pérez, Eduardo; Römer, Florian
Jointly learning selection matrices for transmitters, receivers and Fourier coefficients in multichannel imaging. - In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, (2024), S. 8691-8695

Strategic subsampling has become a focal point due to its effectiveness in compressing data, particularly in the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) approach in ultrasonic imaging. This paper introduces the Joint Deep Probabilistic Subsampling (J-DPS) method, which aims to learn optimal selection matrices simultaneously for transmitters, receivers, and Fourier coefficients. This task-based algorithm is realized by introducing a specialized measurement model and integrating a customized Complex Learned FISTA (CL-FISTA) network. We propose a parallel network architecture, partitioned into three segments corresponding to the three matrices, all working toward a shared optimization objective with adjustable loss allocation. A synthetic dataset is designed to reflect practical scenarios, and we provide quantitative comparisons with a traditional CRB-based algorithm, standard DPS, and J-DPS.

Aguirre Mehlhorn, Marcel; Dierend, Hauke; Richter, Andreas; Shardt, Yuri A. W.
A stakeholder analysis of operational design domains of automated driving systems. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), insges. 2 S.

Developing an automated driving system (ADS) involves collaboration between various stakeholders. To support this process, the concept of operational design domain (ODD) has emerged. Nonetheless, stakeholders require variable levels of information from an ODD. A thorough investigation has identified eight main stakeholder categories. Furthermore, a stakeholder analysis is used to assess their expectations, interests, and influence. These findings briefly summarise all necessary ODD engineering requirements and deliverables for all ODD stakeholders.

Chen, Ting; Fu, Banglong; Shen, Junjun; Suhuddin, Uceu F.H.R.; Wiese, Björn; Santos, Jorge F. dos; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Klusemann, Benjamin
Microstructure refinement by a novel friction-based processing on Mg-Zn-Ca alloy. - In: Material forming, ESAFORM 2024, (2024), S. 2031-2040

Insufficient mechanical properties and uncontrollable degradation rates limit the wide application of Mg alloys in bioimplant materials. Microstructure refinement is a common method to improve both the mechanical properties and the corrosion resistance of Mg alloys. In order to efficiently obtain Mg alloys with fine microstructures for potential applications in bioimplant materials, a novel constrained friction processing (CFP) was proposed. In this work, the resulting compression properties of ZX10 alloy obtained by CFP with optimized processing parameter are reported. Additionally, the microstructure evolution during CFP was studied. The results show that during CFP, materials are subjected to high shear strain at the transition zone between the stir zone and thermo-mechanical affected zone, leading to recrystallization with strong local basal fiber shear texture. As the shoulder plunges down, the fraction of recrystallized grain and grain size increase. ZX10 alloy obtained by CFP exhibited higher compressive yield strength by more than 300% and ultimate compressive strength improves by 60%, which indicates the bright prospect of CFP for Mg processing.

Alves Costa, Heraldo Cesar; Myint, Saw James; Andrich, Carsten; Giehl, Sebastian W.; Schneider, Christian; Thomä, Reiner
Modelling micro-Doppler signature of drone propellers in distributed ISAC. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), insges. 6 S.

Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) comprises detection and analysis of non-cooperative targets by exploiting the resources of the mobile radio system. In this context, micro-Doppler is of great importance for target classification, in order to distinguish objects with local movements. For developing algorithms for target classification, it is necessary to have a large amount of target signatures. Aiming to generate these data, this paper proposes a mathematical model for the micro-Doppler of drone rotating propellers, and validate the proposed model by comparing it to measured micro-Doppler. Results show that the proposed mathematical model can generate micro-Doppler data very similar to those from measurement data.

Oppermann, Hannes; Fiedler, Patrique; Haueisen, Jens
Microstates analysis for dry and gel-based multichannel electroencephalography. - In: 9th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, (2024), S. 122-130

Spatial analysis of EEG data, e.g. using short-term stable microstates, is increasingly used in neuroscience and clinical applications. At the same time, scenarios involving mobility, sports, and home-based activities are becoming more prevalent in EEG studies. For this purpose, dry EEG electrodes are more and more commonly used. Thus, our objective was a comparison of microstates analysis between dry and gel-based EEGs. 256-channel EEGs were recorded from 30 volunteers using dry and gel-based electrodes during resting state eyes closed and eyes open. Microstates were extracted for each measurement and time-domain parameters were calculated. We found a high degree of consistency between the microstate maps extracted from dry and gel-based measurements for both eyes closed and eyes open conditions. The topographic similarities between the average maps for dry and gel-based recordings were above 81.5% for each of the seven extracted maps. We conclude that topographic microstate analyses are feasible using multichannel EEG setups with new dry EEG electrodes.

Najeeb, Mussab; Schwalbe, Ulf
State of health estimation for second life lithium-ion batteries: indicators and considerations. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), insges. 6 S.

This study aims to provide valuable insights into state of health estimation of second-life lithium-ion batteries in stationary energy storage systems by conducting an analytical examination of key technical indicators and considerations. By considering these factors, we can enhance our understanding of the estimation process and make informed decisions regarding the conditions of utilizing these batteries in their second life. The approach, presented in this paper, focuses on two main aspects. Firstly, it takes into account the unique characteristics of these batteries, which exhibit different responses to operational factors compared to their initial life cycle in electrical vehicles. Secondly, it considers monitoring conditions of stationary storage systems to develop an enhanced monitoring system which leads to an efficient performance of batteries in their second-life. By addressing these aspects, we aim to optimize the utilization of second-life batteries in stationary storage systems and ensure their reliable operation. This methodology, which utilizes Kalman filter and empirically derived data, has demonstrated significantly improved reliability and accuracy compared to other methodologies. By leveraging Kalman filter, we were able to enhance the estimation process and achieve a more precise estimation of state of health in stationary energy storage systems.

Kleinholz, Cathleen; Fischer, Michael; Müller, Jens
Reliability study of Ag through via interconnects for integrated horn antennas in LTCC substrates. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), S. 281-282

This contribution investigates various Ag pastes for through via interconnect application to produce an integrated horn antenna structure in Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (L TCC) material. In a two-stage experimental process, the Ag pastes are first limited using a simplified test layout to identify promising pastes for further investigation in the second phase with a more complex design. The electrical contact is verified using the implemented daisy chain. X-ray examinations and cross-sections are performed to assess the quality and quantity of the via fill results.

Kleinholz, Cathleen; Müller, Björn; Fischer, Michael; Tschoban, Christian; Köszegi, Julia-Marie; Pötter, Harald; Ndip, Ivan N.; Schneider-Ramelow, Martin; Müller, Jens
Surface manipulation of Ag metallization to improve the adhesion strength for soldering applications on LTCC. - In: IEEE Xplore digital library, ISSN 2473-2001, (2024), S. 209-210

This study verifies a Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC) material with excellent properties for radar antennas and assembly purposes. Various surface manipulation techniques are examined on thick-film printed co- and postfired Ag metallization to increase the bond strength of solder joints on two customized LTCC materials. Modified surfaces are analyzed and compared with unmodified solder pads. Both LTCCs are electrically characterized and used for simulation with a view to using silicon-ceramic technology for 79 GHz radar antennas.
