Accelerating innovation in 6G research: real-time capable SDR system architecture for rapid prototyping. - In: IEEE access, ISSN 2169-3536, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-16
The upcoming 3GPP global mobile communication standard 6G strives to push the technological limits of radio frequency (RF) communication even further than its predecessors: Sum data rates beyond 100 Gbit/s, RF bandwidths above 1 GHz per link, and sub-millisecond latency necessitate very high performance development tools. We propose a new SDR firmware and software architecture designed explicitly to meet these challenging requirements. It relies on Ethernet and commercial off-the-shelf network and server components to maximize flexibility and to reduce costs. We analyze state-of-the-art solutions (USRP X440 and other RFSoC-based systems), derive architectural design goals, explain resulting design decision in detail, and exemplify our architecture’s implementation on the XCZU48DR RFSoC. Finally, we validate its performance via measurements and outline how the architecture surpasses the state of the art with respect to sustained RF recording, while maintaining high Ethernet bandwidth efficiency. Building a 6G integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) example, we demonstrate its real-time and rapid application development capabilities.
Light-induced degradation transition energy barrier measured by photoluminescence spectra in Si:In. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400570, S. 1-7
Supervised probabilistic dynamic-controlled latent-variable model for quality pattern prediction and optimisation. - In: ISA transactions, ISSN 1879-2022, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-19
A supervised probabilistic dynamic-controlled latent-variable (SPDCLV) model is proposed for online prediction, as well as real-time optimisation of process quality indicators. Compared to existing probabilistic latent-variable models, the key advantage of the proposed method lies in explicitly modelling the dynamic causality from the manipulated inputs to the quality pattern. This is achieved using a well-designed, dynamic-controlled Bayesian network. Furthermore, the algorithms for expectation-maximisation, forward filtering, and backward smoothing are designed for learning the SPDCLV model. For engineering applications, a framework for pattern-based quality prediction and optimisation is proposed, under which the pattern-filtering and pattern-based soft sensor are explored for online quality prediction. Furthermore, quality optimisation can be realised by directly controlling the pattern to the desired condition. Finally, case studies on both an industrial primary milling circuit and a numerical example illustrate the benefits of the SPDCLV method in that it can fully model the process dynamics, effectively predict and optimise the quality indicators, and monitor the process.
Surface structure of MOVPE-prepared As-modified Si(100) substrates. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 675 (2024), 160879, S. 1-8
In the pursuit of high-efficiency tandem devices for solar energy conversion based on III-V-semiconductors, low-defect III-V nucleation on Si(100) substrates is essential. Here, hydrogen and arsenic are key ingredients in all growth processes with respect to industrially scalable metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Our study provides insight into Si(100) surface preparation for the initial stage of III-V nucleation. The samples investigated, prepared on substrates with different offcut angles, show single domain surfaces consisting of rows of preferentially buckled dimers. Low energy electron diffraction and reflection anisotropy spectroscopy confirm well-defined (1 × 2)/(2 × 1) majority domains. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed hydrogen bonding to the surface dimers, while no impurities were found by XPS. Density functional theory calculations support the experimental results and reveal a novel surface motif of H-passivated Si-As mixed dimers.
Effect of inelastic ion collisions on low-gain avalanche detectors explained by an ASi-Sii-defect mode. - In: Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research, Bd. 555 (2024), 165472, S. 1-5
The acceptor removal phenomenon (ARP), which hampers the functionality of low-gain avalanche detectors (LGAD), is discussed in frame of the ASi-Sii-defect model. The assumption of fast diffusion of interstitial silicon is shown to be superfluous for the explanation of the BSi-Sii-defect formation under irradiation, particular at very low temperatures. The experimentally observed properties of the ARP are explained by the donor properties of the BSi-Sii-defect in its ground state. Additionally, low temperature photoluminescence spectra are reported for quenched boron doped silicon showing so far unidentified PL lines, which change due to well-known light-induced degradation (LID) treatments.
Gigahertz and terahertz transistors for 5G, 6G, and beyond mobile communication systems. - In: Applied physics reviews, ISSN 1931-9401, Bd. 11 (2024), 3, 031318, S. 031318-1-031318-37
Mankind is currently living in the era of mobile communication. Mobile communication encompasses almost all areas of our daily life and is heavily used in most sectors of economy, including agriculture, healthcare, education, and so on. With mobile devices such as smart phones, people can connect to any other people somewhere on the earth, can access huge databases via the internet, stream videos and movies, to name just a few of the many mobile services that are routinely used in the early 2020s. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other emerging new applications will further boost the importance of mobile communication. It is a general trend that with progressing evolution of mobile communication, the amount of data to be transmitted wirelessly increases rapidly and continuously. To enable this, a suitable well-performing hardware infrastructure is needed. The hardware used so far in the successively introduced generations of systems for mobile communication is essentially based on fast transistors. We designate these transistors as gigahertz (GHz)-terahertz (THz) transistors, as the high data rates to be transferred require an electronic hardware operating properly at frequencies in the GHz-THz range. The present paper provides a comprehensive in-depth discussion of these transistors. After a short survey of the evolution of mobile communication systems, the different categories and classes of GHz-THz transistors are introduced, relevant transistor performance measures called figures of merit are defined, issues of transistor design are dealt with, and general design rules for GHz-THz transistors are established. This is followed by a tour through the evolution of these transistors, starting in the 1950s, when the first transistors with GHz capabilities were demonstrated, up to the latest developments since the turn of the millennium and to the state-of-the-art in mid-2024. The discussion includes evolutionary advances as well as true breakthroughs, both contributing to the significant performance improvements achieved over the years. Furthermore, some research activities on GHz-THz transistors, which, unfortunately, led to a dead end as well as ongoing efforts with still unclear outcome are presented and the approaching limits of transistor performance are critically examined. Finally, we take a short view on alternative hardware options for mobile communication systems beyond the limits of transistors.
Electric field temporal interference stimulation of neurons in vitro. - In: Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0189, Bd. 24 (2024), 16, S. 3945-3957
Electrical stimulation (ES) techniques, such as deep brain and transcranial electrical stimulation, have shown promise in alleviating the symptoms of depression and other neurological disorders in vivo. A new noninvasive ES method called temporal interference stimulation (TIS), possesses great potential as it can be used to steer the stimulation and possibly selectively modulate different brain regions. To study TIS in a controlled environment, we successfully established an in vitro ‘TIS on a chip’ setup using rat cortical neurons on microelectrode arrays (MEAs) in combination with a current stimulator. We validated the developed TIS system and demonstrated the spatial steerability of the stimulation by direct electric field measurements in the chip setup. We stimulated cultures of rat cortical neurons at 28 days in vitro (DIV) by two-channel stimulation delivering 1) TIS at 653 Hz and 643 Hz, resulting in a 10 Hz frequency envelope, 2) low-frequency stimulation (LFS) at 10 Hz and 3) high-frequency stimulation (HFS) at 653 Hz. Unstimulated cultures were used as control/sham. We observed the differences in the electric field strengths during TIS, HFS, and LFS. Moreover, HFS and LFS had the smallest effects on neuronal activity. Instead, TIS elicited neuronal electrophysiological responses, especially 24 hours after stimulation. Our ‘TIS on a chip’ approach eludicates the applicability of TIS as a method to modulate neuronal electrophysiological activity. The TIS on a chip approach provides spatially steerable stimuli while mitigating the effects of high stimulus fields near the stimulation electrodes. Thus, the approach opens new avenues for stimulation on a chip applications, allowing the study of neuronal responses to gain insights into the potential clinical applications of TIS in treating various brain disorders.
Elucidating the transport of electrons and molecules in a solid electrolyte interphase close to battery operation potentials using a four-electrode-based generator-collector setup. - In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, ISSN 1520-5126, Bd. 146 (2024), 28, S. 19009-19018
In lithium-ion batteries, the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) passivates the anode against reductive decomposition of the electrolyte but allows for electron transfer reactions between anode and redox shuttle molecules, which are added to the electrolyte as an internal overcharge protection. In order to elucidate the origin of these poorly understood passivation properties of the SEI with regard to different molecules, we used a four-electrode-based generator-collector setup to distinguish between electrolyte reduction current and the redox molecule (ferrocenium ion Fc+) reduction current at an SEI-covered glassy carbon electrode. The experiments were carried out in situ during potentiostatic SEI formation close to battery operation potentials. The measured generator and collector currents were used to calculate passivation factors of the SEI with regard to electrolyte reduction and with regard to Fc+ reduction. These passivation factors show huge differences in their absolute values and in their temporal evolution. By making simple assumptions about molecule transport, electron transport, and charge transfer reaction rates in the SEI, distinct passivation mechanisms are identified, strong indication is found for a transition during SEI growth from redox molecule reduction at the electrode | SEI interface to reduction at the SEI | electrolyte interface, and good estimates for the transport coefficients of both electrons and redox molecules are derived. The approach presented here is applicable to any type of electrochemical interphase and should thus also be of interest for interphase characterization in the fields of electrocatalysis and corrosion.
Uncertainty of a calibration device for heat flux sensors - uncertainty of the temperature difference :
Messunsicherheit einer Kalibriereinrichtung für Wärmestromsensoren - Unsicherheit der Temperaturdifferenz. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 91 (2024), 7/8, S. 406-415
Wärmestromsensoren werden in den verschiedensten Applikationen eingesetzt. Dabei ist eine Kalibrierung der Sensoren unumgänglich. In diesem Beitrag wird die Bedeutung von Wärmestromsensoren und die Notwendigkeit einer Kalibrierung aufgezeigt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde am Institut für Prozessmess- und Sensortechnik der Technischen Universität Ilmenau ein Kalibrierstand entwickelt und aufgebaut, der die rückführbare Kalibrierung von Wärmestromsensoren ermöglicht. Mit dieser Einrichtung können Wärmestromsensoren durch einen Vergleich gegenüber einem Referenzwärmestromsensor, basierend auf Wärmeleitprozessen, kalibriert werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird der Aufbau der Kalibriereinrichtung sowie der enthaltenen Sensorik diskutiert und eine umfassende Unsicherheitsbetrachtung zum eingeprägten Wärmestrom angestellt. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Unsicherheitsbetrachtung liegt auf der Messung von Temperaturdifferenzen innerhalb der Einrichtung, die einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Unsicherheit des rückführbaren Wärmestroms haben. Aus der umfassenden Unsicherheitsbetrachtung resultiert für den bereitgestellten Wärmestrom in der Kalibriereinrichtung eine um ( k = 2) erweiterte relative Messunsicherheit von 2,9%.
Plasmon-enhanced light absorption below the bandgap of semiconducting SnS2 microcubes for highly efficient solar water evaporation. - In: Small, ISSN 1613-6829, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400588, S. 1-9
Semiconducting materials show high potential for solar energy harvesting due to their suitable bandgaps, which allow the efficient utilization of light energy larger than their bandgaps. However, the photon energy smaller than their bandgap is almost unused, which significantly limits their efficient applications. Herein, plasmonic Pd/SnS2 microcubes with abundant Pd nanoparticles attached to the SnS2 nanosheets are fabricated by an in situ photoreduction method. The as-prepared Pd/SnS2 microcubes extend the light-harvesting ability of SnS2 beyond its cutoff wavelength, which is attributed to the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect of the Pd nanoparticles and the 3D structure of the SnS2 microcubes. Pd nanoparticles can also enhance the light absorption of TiO2 nanoparticles and NiPS3 nanosheets beyond their cutoff wavelengths, revealing the universality for promoting absorption above the cutoff wavelength of the semiconductors. When the plasmonic Pd/SnS2 microcubes are integrated into a hydrophilic sponge acting as the solar evaporator, a solar-to-vapor efficiency of up to 89.2% can be achieved under one sun. The high solar-to-vapor conversion efficiency and the broad applicability of extending the light absorption far beyond the cutoff wavelength of the semiconductor comprise the potential of innovative plasmonic nanoparticle/semiconductor composites for solar desalination.