Publications from our group in the Academic Bibliography of TU Ilmenau

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Müller, Marcus; Fengler, Wolfgang; Amthor, Arvid; Ament, Christoph
Model-driven development and multiprocessor implementation of a dynamic control algorithm for nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines. - In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Journal of systems and control engineering / Institution of Mechanical Engineers. - London : Sage Publ., 1991- , ISSN: 2041-3041 , ZDB-ID: 2024903-2, ISSN 2041-3041, Bd. 223 (2009), 3, S. 417-429
Klöckner, Johannes; Köhler, Sven; Fengler, Wolfgang
Model based design of networked embedded systems : a modeling approach using FlexRay as an example. - In: Signal processing, systems modeling and control, (2008), S. 253-259

Fleischer, Alexander;
Entwurf und Implementierung innovativer Architekturen für Learning Content Management Systeme (LCMS) zum Einsatz im erlösorientierten Bildungsexport. - Ilmenau, 2008. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 127 S., 6,328 KB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2008
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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die systematische Analyse der Anforderungen und die Erläuterung verschiedener Ansätze zur Realisierung dieser Anforderungen bei dem Einsatz von Learning Content Managemant Systemen (LCMS) im erlösorientierten Bildungsexport. Nach der systematischen Aufstellung der Anforderungen werden verschiedene LCMS hinsichtlich dieser Anforderungen analysiert und für die weitere Betrachtung eines der Systeme ausgewählt. Anhand dieses System wird die Realisierung weiterer Anforderungen, wie automatischer Datenaustausch, Einbindung von Multimedia und verschiedene Sicherheitsanforderungen dargestellt, welche im Weiteren auch als Prototyp realisiert wurden und im letzten Teil der Arbeit dargestellt sind.
Pacholik, Alexander
Clusterforschungsprojekt FEST : Abschlussbericht ; Vorhabenbezeichnung: funktionale Verifikation von Systemen (FEST). - Ilmenau : TU. - Online-Ressource (14 S., 117 KB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 01M3072A. - Literaturverz.
Jesser, Alexander; Lämmermann, Stefan; Pacholik, Alexander; Weiss, Roland; Ruf, Juergen; Hedrich, Lars; Fengler, Wolfgang; Kropf, Thomas; Rosenstiel, Wolfgang
Advanced assertion-based design for mixed-signal verification. - In: IEICE transactions, ISSN 1745-1337, Bd. E91-A.2008, 12, S. 3548-3555

Functional and formal verification are important methodologies for complex mixed-signal design validation. However the industry is still verifying such systems by pure simulation. This process lacks on error localization and formal verifications methods. This is the existing verification gap between the analog and digital blocks within a mixed-signal system. Our approach improves the verification process by creating temporal properties named mixed-signal assertions which are described by a combination of digital assertions and analog properties. The proposed method is a new assertion-based verification flow for designing mixed-signal circuits. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on a [sigma/delta]-converter.
Berger, Falk; Däne, Bernd; Pacholik, Alexander; Fengler, Wolfgang
Case study: performance evaluation for communication strategies in distributed embedded systems. - In: Modelling and simulation 2007, (2007), S. 582-585

To analyze common topologies of communication systems there are several probabilistic analysis strategies existing. Regarding the analysis of the influence of routing strategies probabilistic assumption is hard to validate. We used a discrete event simulation based analysis method to examine the influence of routing strategies within communication structures using a ring topology. By modeling the routing strategy in detail we are able to easily determine a realistic performance behavior under different load conditions.

Jesser, Alexander; Hedrich, Lars; Lämmermann, Stefan; Weiss, Roland; Ruf, Jürgen; Kropf, Thomas; Rosenstiel, Wolfgang; Pacholik, Alexander; Fengler, Wolfgang
Analog simulation meets digital verification - a formal assertion approach for mixed-signal verification. - In: SASIMI 2007, (2007), S. 507-514

Functional and formal verification are important methodologies for complex mixed-signal designs. But there exist a verification gap between the analog and digital blocks of a mixed-signal system. Our approach improves the verification process by creating mixed-signal assertions which is described by a junction of digital assertions and analog properties. The proposed method is a new assertion-based verification flow for designing mixed-signal circuits. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on a Sigma/Delta Converter.

Pacholik, Alexander; Fengler, Wolfgang;
A system model for formal verification of TLM based transaction properties. - In: Proceedings of the Tenth Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS '07), (2007), S. 93-99

Verifying functional models is state of the art in the electronic design automation (eda) industry. Improved methods enable the application in industry sized projects. These methods basically work on a detailed state model, properties must be expressible on states. On system level, behavior is expressed in terms of (timed) transactions between functional or architectural artifacts of the design. While recent model checking methods use some workarounds to map transaction models onto state models, we present an alternative approach with an extended system model to verify transaction properties.

Fleischer, Alexander; Andreev, Rumen; Pavlov, Yuri; Terzieva, Valentina
An approach to personalized learning: a technique of estimation of learner's preferences. - In: , (2007), S. 485-490
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Müller, Marcus; Pacholik, Alexander; Pacholik, Alexander *1979-*; Fengler, Wolfgang;
Tool support for formal system verification. - In: , (2007), S. 137-142
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