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Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gunther Notni
Head of Group
+49 3677 69-3820
Mrs. Dana Peuker
+49 3677 69-3822
🖷 +49 3677 69-3823
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Newtonbau, room 2050
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Platz 2
98693 Ilmenau
how to find us (PDF)
The Group for Quality Assurance and Industrial Image Processing offers courses for the following degree programs:
Lectures, seminars/exercises and practical courses are held in the following subjects:
In the field of image processing, students are taught the basics of image acquisition systems and software algorithms for metric image processing as well as for technical recognition and machine learning. The view of image processing or the solution of an image processing problem is always in its entirety, starting with the acquisition of image data that can be easily evaluated up to the mapping of algorithms on special hardware.
Particularly characteristic here is the close connection to the application areas of industrial 2D/3D image processing for quality assurance and production control as well as human-technology interaction and cooperation.
The subject quality assurance imparts basic knowledge for the development, implementation and maintenance of quality management systems. At the same time, the students receive well-founded knowledge that enables them to meet the high demands of the complex automation of quality assurance and testing procedures.
Students of the TU Ilmenau have the opportunity to qualify as "DGQ Quality Systems Manager - Junior" during their studies.