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From August 1, 2024 the data in the previous University Bibliography (HSB) will no longer be updated and no further documents will be added.
As soon as all publications have been transferred from the old to the new University Bibliography (TUUniBib) , the old one will no longer be available. By then at the latest, the current system for creating publication lists will no longer be functional.
Please note our information on the migration of the publication lists previously maintained by us in the Typo3 web pages of the TU Ilmenau.
The publications of members of the TU Ilmenau are listed in the University Bibliography. The publications must have been produced in connection with an activity at the university.
Members of the TU Ilmenau can register their publications directly in the university bibliography!
If an electronic full text is to be published, this can be done directly or as a secondary publication via ilmedia. The documents will also be listed in the university bibliography. You can find more information on this under Electronic Publishing.
Authors are requested to provide the University Library with complete copies of their articles or specimen copies so that they can be recorded consistently and bibliographically accurately.
Requesting and using publication lists from the university bibliography
Please direct your inquiries to:
+49 03677 69-4607 / -4622