Journal Articles and Reviews Electronic Measurements and Signal ProcessingJournal Articles and Reviews Electronic Measurements and Signal Processing

Journal Articles and Reviews

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Gomes, Paulo R. B.; Almeida, André L. F. de; Costa, João Paulo Carvalho Lustosa da; Del Galdo, Giovanni
Tensor-based methods for blind spatial signature estimation under arbitrary and unknown source covariance structure. - In: Digital signal processing, ISSN 1051-2004, Bd. 62 (2017), S. 197-210
Salous, Sana; Degli Esposti, Vittorio; Fuschini, Franco; Dupleich, Diego; Müller, Robert; Thomä, Reiner; Haneda, Katsuyuki; Garcia-Pardo, Jose-Maria Molina; Garcia, Juan Pascual; Gaillot, Davy P.; Nekovee, Maziar; Hur, Sooyoung
Millimeter-wave propagation : characterization and modeling toward fifth-generation systems. - In: IEEE antennas & propagation magazine, ISSN 1558-4143, Bd. 58 (2016), 6, S. 115-127
Rovensky, Tibor; Pietrikova, Alena; Vehec, Igor; Kmec, Martin
Influence of various multilayer LTCC systems on dielectric properties' stability in GHz frequency range. - In: Microelectronics international, ISSN 1758-812X, Bd. 33 (2016), 3, S. 136-140
Ruman, Kornel; Pietrikova, Alena; Galajda, Pavol; Vehec, Igor; Rovensky, Tibor; Kmec, Martin
A new approach to construction of extended kit for M-Sequence UWB sensor system based on LTCC. - In: Microelectronics international, ISSN 1758-812X, Bd. 33 (2016), 3, S. 130-135
Steinwandt, Jens; Römer, Florian; Haardt, Martin; Del Galdo, Giovanni
Deterministic Cramér-Rao bound for strictly non-circular sources and analytical analysis of the achievable gains. - In: IEEE transactions on signal processing, ISSN 1941-0476, Bd. 64 (2016), 17, S. 4417-4431
Rügamer, Alexander; Schirmer, Christopher; Lorenz, Mario; Taschke, Simon; Großmann, Marcus; Landmann, Markus; Felber, Wolfgang
Setup and verification of a multi-GNSS over-the-air wave field synthesis testbed. - In: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, ISBN 978-1-5090-2042-3, (2016), S. 863-873
Fuschini, Franco; Häfner, Stephan; Zoli, Marco; Müller, Robert; Vitucci, Enrico Maria; Dupleich, Diego; Barbiroli, Marina; Luo, Jian; Schulz, Egon; Degli-Esposti, Vittorio; Thomä, Reiner
Item level characterization of mm-wave indoor propagation. - In: EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking, ISSN 1687-1499, (2016), 4, S. 1-12
Ley, Sebastian; Helbig, Marko; Sachs, Jürgen
Preliminary investigations of magnetic modulated nanoparticles for microwave breast cancer detection. - In: Current directions in biomedical engineering, ISSN 2364-5504, Bd. 1 (2015), 1, S. 302-305
Zetik, Rudolf; Eschrich, Marcus; Jovanoska, Snezhana; Thomä, Reiner
Looking behind a corner using multipath-exploiting UWB radar. - In: IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, ISSN 1557-9603, Bd. 51 (2015), 3, S. 1916-1926
Kowalczyk, Konrad; Thiergart, Oliver; Taseska, Maja; Del Galdo, Giovanni; Pulkki, Ville; Habets, Emanuel A. P.
Parametric spatial sound processing : a flexible and efficient solution to sound scene acquisition, modification, and reproduction. - In: IEEE signal processing magazine, ISSN 1558-0792, Bd. 32 (2015), 2, S. 31-42