Welcome to the web presence of the Electronic Media Technology Group. Here you will find our main focus in the area of research and teaching as well as the individual research projects and our team members. The group is a member of the Institute for Media Technology.


Our professional focus is on research and technology development in the areas of auditory augmented reality and AI-assisted metadata enrichment of audio databases. Our activities place us at the interface between technology and people.

further information



The department offers teaching in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Media Technology as well as teaching for other degree programs at TU Ilmenau. Our focal points are: Psychoacoustics, Virtual Acoustics, Audio Signal Processing, Quality Evaluation.

further information

Acting Head of Group

Dr.-Ing. Stephan Werner

Helmholtz Building, Room H3520

+49 3677 69-1653 | Fax: +49 3677 69-1255

Team assistance and secretariat

Dipl.-Verw. BW (VWA) Monique Rodegast

Helmholtzbau, Room H3533 +49 3677 69-2757| Fax: +49 3677 69-1255 monique.rodegast@tu-ilmenau.de


Visitor address

Helmholtzplatz 2, Room H3533 (3rd floor) 98693 Ilmenau


Postal address

TU Ilmenau
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Electronic Media Technology Group

PF 100565 98684 Ilmenau