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Dr.-Ing. Stephan Werner
Head of Group (acting)
Team assistance and secretariat
Dipl.-Verw. BW (VWA) Monique Rodegast
Fax: +49 3677 69-1255
+49 3677 69-2757
Visiting address
Helmholtzplatz 2,
Helmholtzbau, Room H 3533 (3rd floor)
98693 Ilmenau
Postal address
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Institute for Media Technology
P.O. Box 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau
The group researches user- and task-oriented methods for spatial audio recording and audio playback for use in AR. The research focuses on investigations and developments in the area of position-dynamic binaural synthesis as well as spatial auditory perception for the generation of highly plausible auditory illusions in real space.
For our investigations and developments in the field of spatial audio and audio information retrieval, existing methods of acoustic and perceptual quality evaluation are applied and further developed. Furthermore, we are researching new methodologies for quality evaluation in position-dynamic AR scenarios.